Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.7 and Nisus Writer Express 3.4.6 Released

Mavericks. The gift that keeps on giving. So much so that we are still finding issues. While we were at it we fixed a few other bugs and we decided to put out new versions of both Express and Pro.

Therefore, we are happy to announce the release of Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.7 and Nisus Writer Express 3.4.6. These new versions are available now for purchase at our store and the Mac App Store.

These new versions contain the following fixes and additions:

  • Fixed: when running on OSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard), could crash in certain circumstances.
  • Fixed: lang: improved automatic hyphenation for non-English languages.
  • Fixed: soft hyphens now transfer from Nisus Writer to Word properly.
  • Fixed: lang: when running on OSX 10.9 (Mavericks), could be very slow to show the list of languages.
  • Fixed: images: editing an equation externally (eg: in MathType) now refreshes image correctly.
  • Other bug fixes, stability improvements, and macro language enhancements.

This release, barring unforeseen circumstances, will be the last release to support Snow Leopard (10.6). The next release will support 10.7.5 and above.

TThe complete release notes for Nisus Writer Pro can be found on the Pro release notes page. Release notes for Nisus Writer Express are available on the Express release notes page.

If you purchased directly from our store, Nisus Writer Express and Nisus Writer Pro can be updated from within the app. Select “Check for Updates” from the “Nisus Writer Express/Pro” menu and follow the instructions. You can also download the update from the Express and Pro update pages.

If you purchased from the Mac App Store open the App Store on your Mac, then click the “Updates” view at the top of the App Store window (in Mountain Lion you should receive a notification that the app has been updated and is ready to download).

So if you have purchased Pro 2 or Express 3.x from our store or the Mac App Store, please update now. You”ll be very happy you did.

Mavericks Compatibility Update

Apple is on the verge of releasing the next version of OS X, 10.9 Mavericks. We have tested all of our currently shipping apps in 10.9 and happily we have found all of our currently shipping applications should work with no problems. That means Express 3.4.5, Pro 2.0.6, InfoClick 1.1, and Nisus Thesaurus 1.1 are all Mavericks compatible.

Hopefully that will remain once the OS is actually available to the general public. If you do run into problems please let us know.

Nisus Writer Express 3.4.5 and Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.6 Available on the Mac App Store

We are very happy to announce that Nisus Writer Express 3.4.5 and Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.6 are now available at the Mac App Store. I have to admit we were surprised since it has taken much longer than this in the past to get approved. In this case it wasn’t even a week. Maybe things are changing at the App Store. Whatever the case, we are glad it is now available.

To update these apps open App Store on your Mac, then click the “Updates” view at the top of the App Store window (in Mountain Lion you should receive a notification that the app has been updated and is ready to download).

The cost of Pro at the App Store is $79 while Express is $45. There is no upgrade pricing available on the App Store, unfortunately.

So if you purchased Express or Pro from the App Store, the latest versions of both apps are now available.

Express 3.4.5 and Pro 2.0.6

After the release of Express 3.4.4 and Pro 2.0.5 there were a few unpleasant bugs discovered. We decided to quickly fix those issues and release a new version. Therefore, we are happy to announce the release of Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.6 and Nisus Writer Express 3.4.5.

These new versions contain the following fixes and additions:

• Improved stability by addressing several bugs that could cause crashes in certain situations.
• Fixed: lists: should be able to set list starting number for a single paragraph in the document text, ie: override starting list number enforced by styles.
• Fixed: deleting some text should persist the formatting of that text in the typing attributes, eg: text typed just afterwards should have the same attributes.
• Fixed: import: documents with certain configurations of floating content could fail to import.
• Added: palettes: holding down the Command key when clicking a palette stepper’s up/down arrows will restore the old behavior, where the first shown value is applied uniformly to the entire selection, instead of adjusting all selected values independently.
• Fixed: palettes: using a palette stepper’s down arrow should affect all selected values, even if the first selected value is at zero.
• Other fixes and optimizations.

There are a few Pro specific fixes that you can read about on the Pro release notes page. The complete release notes for Express can be found on the Express release notes page.

Nisus Writer Express and Nisus Writer Pro can be updated from within the app. Select “Check for Updates” from the “Nisus Writer Express/Pro” menu and follow the instructions. You can also download the update from the Express and Pro update pages.

Both Express 3.4.5 and Pro 2.0.6 are available now at our store and the Mac App Store. Nisus Writer Express is only $45 and the upgrade is $30. Nisus Writer Pro is $79 and the upgrade is $49. Academic versions and Family Packs (three licenses) are also available.

For those of you who have purchased through the Mac App Store, Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.6 and Express 3.4.5 have been submitted but we have no idea when it will be approved. Hopefully the wait won’t be long be we’ll see. Check back here for updates.

So if you have purchased Pro 2.x or Express 3.x from our store, please update now. For you Mac App Store customers, hang in there. Your wait should (in theory) not be too long.

Nisus Writer Express 3.4.4 and Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.5 Released

We are very happy to announce the release of both Nisus Writer Express 3.4.4 and Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.5.

Both Express and Pro have had a few bugs fixed, some enhancements, preliminary support for Mavericks (OS X 10.9) and other niceties that are too numerous to list here. You can read the complete release notes for Express and Pro online or under the Help menu in both apps. I hope your chair is comfy and you have some snacks ready because those notes make for a long read.

You can update from within the apps or from the Express or Pro pages. These apps can be purchased from our store. Nisus Writer Express is $45 and Nisus Writer Pro is $79. There is upgrade and academic pricing, and three license family packs are available.

Nisus Writer Express and Nisus Writer Pro require at least OS X 10.6.6.

These updates are recommended, especially if you plan on using OS X 10.9. So please update and enjoy!

Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.2 and Nisus Writer Express 3.4.1 Released

Just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday we have released Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.2. This release addresses a few Lion issues, stability issues, a fix for Word Perfect import, and a few select bug fixes. The complete list of changes and fixes can be read on the Pro release notes page.

Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.2 is available now for download through our web site or through the app itself. The Mac App Store version should be available soon, once it gets through the Apple approval process. We will announce its release here as soon as we know.

We are also announcing the release of Nisus Writer Express 3.4.1. This release addresses most of the same issues as Pro 2.0.2. The Express 3.4.1 release notes can be found on this page. Express 3.4.1 is available now for download on both our site and the Mac App Store.

Nisus Writer Pro and Nisus Writer Express are available for purchase through our store. Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.2 is $79, or $49 for the upgrade from Pro 1.x. Express 3.4.1 is $45, or $30 for the upgrade from Express 1 or 2. There are also family packs available (three licenses) and for Pro, CDs are available for an extra $10 plus shipping.

Both of these updates are free for users of Pro 2.x and Express 3.x. They both require at least Mac OS X 10.4.11. Additionally Pro 2 requires an Intel Mac.

Lion Compatible Nisus Writer Express and Pro Now Available

We are very happy to announce that Lion compatible versions of Nisus Writer Pro and Nisus Writer Express are now available for download.

Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.1 has received a handful of fixes for issues that appeared after its release. These fixes include a page number display bug, a Bookends scanning issue, and various fixes for .doc/docx importing. Pro 2.0.1 has received fixes for Lion compatibility and adds the new Lion full screen feature. Those of you who are using other supported versions of OS X will have full screen as before.

Nisus Writer Express 3.4 adds Lion compatibility, Lion full screen, and receives a (large) number of bug fixes. This update also includes a different file importer that is compatible with both Intel and PowerPC Macs. Unfortunately making this change eliminates WordPerfect read only capability.

We are also releasing Nisus Writer Pro 1.4.2 for those of you still using Pro 1.x. This release contains basic Lion compatibility, fixes for .doc/.docx importing and other smaller fixes.

These new versions are available now and are free updates to all users of Nisus Writer Pro 1.x and 2.0 and Nisus Writer Express 3. You can update either through the applications themselves or by downloading at the Express and Pro download pages. Nisus Writer Pro 1.4.2 gets its own download page.

Nisus Writer Pro 1.4.2, 2.0.1 and Nisus Writer Express 3.4 require Mac OS X 10.4.11 or higher.

Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.1 and Nisus Writer Express 3.4 Beta Releases

According to various news reports, OS X Lion will be released on the 20th of July. To address the few issues we have found with Lion we have released beta versions of Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.1 and Nisus Writer Express 3.4.

Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.1 addresses Lion compatibility issues and receives a handful of fixes for issues that appeared after its release (including fixes for the page number display bug and the Bookends issue). The beta release of Nisus Writer Pro 2.0.1 is available now (this is a direct download link).

Nisus Writer Express 3.4 also fixes Lion incompatibilities and receives a number of bug fixes. Nisus Writer Express 3.4 is available now (direct link) for your downloading pleasure.

Disclaimer: Please remember that this is beta software, and is still in development. Please take appropriate caution. Use copies of important documents, for example. Please read the release notes located under the Help menu in both Express and Pro.

News Roundup

In an astonishing turn of events, it seems that Mac news sites and blogs are realizing that the Mac still exists.

I kid, but it really does seem like the Mac gets short changed these days. And word processors are even less talked about than the Mac. But, there is hope. Over the last few weeks, we have spotted three articles that mention our products. Hooray for us!

Besides the Macgasm article previously mentioned on this blog, MacTalk has a great round up of word processors called “You Don’t Need Word: A Word Processing Round-Up”. The article recommends both Nisus Writer Express and Nisus Writer Pro.

In an article on titled “A Tale Of 2 Writing Tools: Strange vs. Normal”, Bambi Brannan writes “If you’re looking for a complete writing tool, an aircraft carrier of features, Nisus Writer Pro carries the flag.”

If you haven’t tried out either Express or Pro, please download the demo versions from the above links and give them a try. As the above articles show, they come highly recommended.

Fourth of July Sale

While most everyone in the USA is celebrating our independence by consuming copious amounts of food and drink, we are celebrating by throwing a Fourth of July sale.

From now until the 7th of July, we are offering most versions of Nisus Writer Pro and Nisus Writer Express at 20 percent off.

To take advantage of this sale, go to our store and enter the coupon code “fourthofjuly” in the coupon text box. You will then see the discount reflected in the shopping cart.

We are also offering the Nisus Writer Pro printed manual for $22.50, or 10 percent off. You do not need a coupon for this purchase.

Remember, this sale absolutely ends on the 7th of July, so act quickly.

Snow Leopard Compatible Releases

When Apple announced on 24 August that Snow Leopard would be available on the 28th, we were as surprised as you were. Remember, Apple had said previously that Snow Leopard would be available in September. To most in the developer community, that meant late September.

Boy, were we wrong.

Since 10.6 has now out in the wild, we are happy to announce the release of beta versions of Nisus Writer Pro 1.3.1 and Nisus Writer Express 3.3.1.

Nisus Writer Pro 1.3.1 contains no new features, but includes fixes since Pro 1.3 was released, and the aforementioned Snow Leopard fixes. The release notes for Pro 1.3.1 can be found on the Pro 1.3.1 download page.

Nisus Writer Express 3.3.1 is a feature release. The new features include an all new document manager, a style library, the ability to attach the active document to a new email message (in and Entourage only), a selection history (allowing users to jump to prior editing locations), an option to automatically capitalize the first word of each sentence during typing (this is disabled by default).

There are also many, many fixes (including the fixes for 10.6), all of which can be read about on the Express 3.3.1 release notes page.

Both applications are Universal Binaries and require at least Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger).

Please remember that these are beta versions, and not available for purchase. We will send out an announcement when we release the final versions of both applications.

Snow Leopard Update

Apple has announced that Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) will be released this coming Friday, 28 August. That’s earlier than what they had been promising, which was September. While this is good for consumers, I have a feeling that some developers are doing a bit of scrambling at the moment to get their applications ready for release on or near the big day.

The good news from our perspective is that both Express 3.x and Pro are, for the most part, compatible with Snow Leopard. But, there are a couple of bugs that need to be fixed. So, all of this rambling text means that we will be releasing beta versions of both applications at some point this week.

We will post more information when the apps are released.

Fourth of July Sale

To celebrate the release of Nisus Writer Pro 1.3 and take advantage of the Fourth of July holiday here is the USA, we are having a sale on Pro.

From now until 6 July, you can now purchase Pro for 20 percent off the regular price. Just go to our store, choose your version of Pro, and enter the coupon code “fourthofjuly” in the coupon text box. You will then see the discount reflected in the shopping cart.

So if you wanted to purchase the upgrade, or Family Pack, or if you would like to purchase a copy for someone else, now is the time.

Nisus Writer Pro 1.3 Released

After many months of adding, fixing, and tearing out of hair, Nisus Writer Pro 1.3 is now available.

The big feature addition in this release is the new document manager. It now can manage any file on your drive, regardless of its location. You can create file groups, or use the predefined smart groups. There is also a style library, and an advanced search that uses Apple’s Spotlight technology.

Other features include a selection history (allowing users to jump to prior editing locations), an option to automatically capitalize the first word of each sentence during typing, the ability to attach the active document to a new email message (in and Entourage only), and you can now turn any menu into a toolbar item.

We also added character/word/paragraph count as an automatic number, menus to invert the selection, select all document areas, expand the selection to full word/sentence/paragraph. A preference allows language switches to affect font size. Triple click selects a sentence and quadruple click selects a paragraph. There were many additions to the Nisus Macro Language

There were over 300 fixes and changes in this release, and you can read about them at our Pro release notes page.

This release is a free update to current license holders of Nisus Writer Pro.

You can download this release from here.

So download, give it a spin, and enjoy!

Nisus Writer Express 3.2

We are pleased to announce the release of Nisus Writer Express 3.2.

This new version adds new features such as editable document properties (author, company, copyright, etc.), additional backup options, control over smart quotes on a per-language basis, and a preference to choose the default file format for new documents.

We also added the Sparkle framework to manage our updates, and the Services menu which allows creating a new Nisus Writer Express document from selected content in another application.

There is also many bug fixes, and some other good stuff. The complete list of changes is located on the Express release notes page.

You can download the update from this download page.


Nisus Writer Express 3.1 Released

A new month brings a new version of Nisus Writer Express.

Nisus Writer Express 3.1 brings the following new features:

  • Go to page
  • A large caret option
  • Dutch and Polish localizations
  • Page Borders palette
  • The open dialog now has an “ignore rich text commands” option

There are also many bug fixes. You can read about all of the changes here.

Express 3.1 requires Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or above.

You can download the new version from our Express download page.

This release is a free update to current license holders of Nisus Writer Express 3.x.

Now back to our cave to work on future versions. Or to sleep. Or both.

“Hey Baby, It’s The 4th of July”

The title of this post comes from a song by The Blasters, later covered by X. Yes, I did listen to music in the 80s, as a matter of fact.

Anyway, it is the Fourth of July here in the States, so that means fireworks, marching bands, too much food, and in this case, a long weekend.

This means that we are taking a bit of time off. We won’t be around until Monday, 7 July. In the meantime, if you need support, please visit our forum or you can write to one of the mailing lists.

You can purchase as normal from the store, and orders will ship on the 7th.

To those here in the USA, have a happy, safe holiday!