Menu Keys for Menu Commands

While studies show that, in general, using the mouse or trackpad is faster than using the keyboard, in many instances, writers need to keep their fingers on the keys. You can use your keyboard to choose almost any command available in Nisus Writer Pro.

1. Choose the menu command: Nisus Writer Pro > Preferences > Menu Keys at the top of the dialog to customize the keystroke sequences to any menu command.

This a menu “browser” (like the “file browser” in the Finder).

The Menu Keys section of the Preferences dialog.png

Figure 499
The Menu Keys section of the Preferences dialog

2. Choose a command from any menu.

3. Type the keys you want to use to call that menu command. In addition, you can add any of the modifier keys to achieve additional combinations.

Check Shift to require to be part of your keyboard shortcut.

Check Option to require to be part of your keyboard shortcut.

Check Control to require to be part of your keyboard shortcut.

The Numbers Keypad (for those who have one) functions the same was as if it were one of those on the number row (above the “qwertyuiop[]\” row). However, you cannot use the Numbers Keypad keys in conjunction with the alphabetic or numeric keys of the remainder of the keyboard for a shortcut.

4. Click Set to confirm your keyboard shortcut.

You can type “roman” letters to trigger a shortcut, even if your keyboard layout is set to a different script.

You can quickly assign a keyboard shortcut to any of your styles while in the Style Sheet view, as explained in the section “Assign a keyboard shortcut to your style as you edit it” on page 147.

Multi-key keyboard shortcuts

You can use any number of keys for each shortcut. This makes the mnemonic device much easier. For example you can use the standard C for Copy and extend that with CTF for Copy to Find.

You activate a multi-key shortcut in Nisus Writer Pro by holding down the Command key the entire time as you press and release the other keys. For example, to trigger H3 (the default shortcut for Heading 3) you would:

1. Press and hold down the Command key.

2. Type the H key (press down and release up).

3. Type the 3 key (press down and release up).

4. Release the Command key (so it is now up).

Nisus Writer Pro collects together all the keys you type while the Command key is down and then matches the full shortcut at the very end, once the Command key is released.

Remove an existing keyboard shortcut

1. Choose the menu command: Nisus Writer Pro > Preferences > Menu Keys at the top of the dialog.

2. Choose the menu command: from which you wish to remove the keyboard shortcut.

3. Delete what appears in the text edit box.

4. Click Set to confirm your keyboard shortcut.

Find whether a key combination is assigned to a command

There are a few ways to check if an existing keyboard shortcut is being used:

Use the menu Macro > Application > Show All Menu Key Shortcuts to see a list of all assigned shortcuts.

In the Menu Keys preferences, try to assign the shortcut to any menu command. If the shortcut is already in use Nisus Writer Pro will display a conflict icon and warning message in the settings area.

The System reserves certain keyboard shortcuts for itself. Especially when you are using a keyboard (input method) other than U.S., be aware that (for example) using "N" (even in combination) is interpreted as a New File command. You can, however, use the keys of the active input method and paste them into the text edit box.

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