Running and quitting

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Running and quitting

Post by Mikii »


I am using Spamsieve and this app automatically runs anytime apple mail is opened and then quits when apple mail is closed.

I wonder if you can develop the same behavior with infoclick as well?

Thank you
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Re: Running and quitting

Post by martin »

Thanks for bringing this idea to our attention. It might be a good way of making InfoClick available when using Apple Mail. I'll file it as a potential enhancement.

In the meantime, here are two tips that might help you more easily use InfoClick:

1. You can set InfoClick to launch automatically whenever you login to your Mac, using either InfoClick's preferences or your system preferences (under Users & Group's login items).
2. You can use the menu Mail > Services > Find Email Using InfoClick to activate InfoClick. You can also assign this menu a keyboard shortcut in the system preferences.
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Re: Running and quitting

Post by Mikii »

Thank you for taking my suggestion under consideration.

Also, adding a custom icon to the mail toolbar would be nice!


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Re: Running and quitting

Post by Hamid »

You can use AppleScript scripts to have InfoClick and Mail run or quit together:

Instead of launching Mail, run this script:

Code: Select all

tell application "InfoClick"
end tell
tell application "Mail"
end tell
Instead of quitting Mail, run this script:
tell application "InfoClick"
end tell
tell application "Mail"
end tell
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Re: Running and quitting

Post by Mikii »

Thanks Hamid for your suggestion. My question was slightly different. If I use an applescript like you say, then I always have to run it instead of launching/quitting mail normally.


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Re: Running and quitting

Post by martin »

Thanks for the script Hamid, that's a pretty nice idea. At least for launching both Mail and InfoClick together– I'm not sure I'd bother with using a script to quit them both.

In case anyone wants an easy-to-install solution for this, here's a custom app that wraps Hamid's script. Whenever you run that app, it simultaneously launches both Apple Mail and InfoClick.
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