"Nisus" isn't part of the dictionary by default

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"Nisus" isn't part of the dictionary by default

Post by Vanceone »

I know Nisus uses the standard OS X dictionary, but its a bit odd that the word Nisus isn't added to the dictionary automatically. Can you do that? I know it is fairly easy to add it to the dictionary, but still--the product shouldn't be labeled as misspelled out of the box.

Or is this harder than I think? I'm in Mavericks, running the latest version of Nisus Writer Pro. Surely the first time Nisus runs you could add the word to the Dictionary if it's not there?
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Re: "Nisus" isn't part of the dictionary by default

Post by martin »

It wouldn't be hard for Nisus Writer to add "nisus" to the default dictionary when first launched. It's something we could consider, especially as the word "nisus" is both an actual noun and a mythological figure. However, we prefer to leave user settings under the user's control. It seems a bit presumptuous to go in and add ourselves without asking– we're just polite like that.

Assuming you saw the word Nisus marked as misspelled in the release notes, there is another possible solution: if NWP had support for custom spelling dictionaries on a per-document basis, we could distribute the release notes with an entry for "nisus" in such a dictionary. Or did you see Nisus marked as misspelled elsewhere?
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Re: "Nisus" isn't part of the dictionary by default

Post by Vanceone »

I actually saw Nisus labeled as misspelled in here, the forum (using Safari's text field, of course)... which I kind of expected.

But it was when I saw "Nisus" labeled as a misspelled word in Nisus Writer itself it sort of raised my eyebrow. Just a blank document. I was trying out Mavericks dictation feature, and of course it mangled "Nisus Writer Pro" so when I manually corrected it, I noticed that Nisus itself is considered a misspelled word. And, sure enough, in the spelling and thesaurus palette it was also considered misspelled. Still, Dictation works, which is nice.

It's just a curiosity, really. However, custom dictionaries WOULD be nice. Right now it's just the system dictionary; which of course Cocoa makes convenient.

But adding something like custom user dictionaries would enable things like specialized legal or medical dictionaries. Per document dictionaries might be nice too--especially if you could tie them to a document template, so that anytime you create a document from that template it has your custom user dictionary attached. Additionally, it would be easier to migrate your painstakingly built up custom words to a new machine or user document.

It would be a nice feature, so that if I use "res ipsa loquitor" in my legal documents, it's perfectly fine, but when I'm using Nisus to write general correspondence I probably want to see the squiggly lines so I rethink my latinisms, perchance.
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