another curly quotes issue / x-posted from NWP Beta forum

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another curly quotes issue / x-posted from NWP Beta forum

Post by Derick »

With curly quotes enabled, when I type a double quote followed by a single quote, the single quote comes out as a closing quote rather than an opening quote.


“’hello’ he said”

when the desired result should be

“‘hello’ he said”

Adding a space between the double and single quote leads the single quote to be an opening quote, but I then need to go back and delete the space.
Anne Cuneo
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Post by Anne Cuneo »

I solved the problem (for the time being) by unchecking "Use smart ponctuation” in the QuickFix menu which is in the preferences, and then I told Martin at Nisus… He said he was going to fix this.
Well, Martin? :)
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Re: another curly quotes issue / x-posted from NWP Beta foru

Post by martin »

Derick wrote:With curly quotes enabled, when I type a double quote followed by a single quote, the single quote comes out as a closing quote rather than an opening quote.
Thanks Derick, I've filed the bug for fixing.
Anne Cuneo wrote:I solved the problem (for the time being) by unchecking "Use smart ponctuation” in the QuickFix menu which is in the preferences, and then I told Martin at Nisus… He said he was going to fix this.
I might have done that... I do remember discussing additional spacing issues with French guillemets, which should be fixed now, but that's all. Sorry for any misinformation- I don't mean to be a liar! :drunk:
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