French guillemets still not working right

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Posts: 18
Joined: 2007-10-25 11:41:30

French guillemets still not working right

Post by vitaka »

In French, the Quickfix feature still doesn't work properly on punctuation: quotes are converted correctly into: « and » but Quickfix fails to add the hard space that should follow the opening quote and precede the closing one (You get: «Ça va» instead of « Ça va »). If you try to manually add a hard space between « and Ça, Quickfix adds a second one! Quickfix only adds the correct hard space preceding the closing quote when it sees a period (You get: «Ça va. » The opening quote is wrong and the closing one is right)
Likewise, a hard space must precede colons colon, semicolons, exclamation mark and question marks but Quickfix fails to do that and you get: «Ah oui! Pourquoi? C'est comme ça: on n'y peut rien instead of « Ah oui ! Pourquoi ? C'est comme ça : on n'y peut rien ; »
Is there a way this could be fixed?
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Re: French guillemets still not working right

Post by Kino »

You seem to have chosen a wrong option. Open Preferences - Quick Fix, set Language to French and set Use smart punctuation to Guillemets with Space in which Space stands for no-break space.
Posts: 18
Joined: 2007-10-25 11:41:30

Re: French guillemets still not working right

Post by vitaka »

Found it (truncated, but it's there)! Thanks! I won't ask about en and quotation dashes: I can add them by hand.
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