Nisus Writer Pro 3.0 Release Notes
This is a major new version that adds many new features and enhancements.
This is a paid upgrade.
Existing Nisus Writer users will need to buy a new license key.
Major New Features
Split View can show two or more parts of a document for simultaneous editing in the same window.
- Split view can also separately show ancillary content (comments, tracked changes, and notes).
Comments and tracked changes can be included in printouts and PDFs.
- Comments and tracked changes can also be easily exported as a separate document.
- Cloud sync (iCloud or Dropbox) for nearly all settings, including: general preferences, keyboard shortcuts, QuickFix, templates, glossaries, style library, macros, customized palettes, toolbars, and Touch Bar items.
Palette system redesigned with improved look, feel, and behavior.
- Enhanced existing palettes, added new palettes, and improved customizability.
- The palettes are no longer required to be in a drawer, but can float freely in a separate window.
Find and Replace results can be opened in a separate floating window listing all matches.
- Added ability to search all open documents.
New Formatting Examiner palette:
- Shows exactly what formatting is applied to the selected text (or style).
- Can easily search for and select other text using similar formatting.
- Reveals extended information on special content like images, cross-references, etc.
- All icons updated for high-resolution Retina displays.
- Toolbar improved, including new toolbar items for styles, bookmarks, and cross-references.
- Notes View provides a dedicated editing area for footnotes, endnotes, and section notes. This new view can be used with split view and synchronized scrolling to conveniently edit notes and corresponding main text at once.
Ability to completely customize the Touch Bar:
- Add any menu command or macro to the Touch Bar, with customized icons and labels.
- Add a single Touch Bar item that can be tapped to show a group of custom items.
- Vertical text layout orientation in floating text boxes and table cells.
- Synchronized scrolling.
- Typewriter scrolling, which optionally keeps the selection a specified distance down the page while typing.
Highlighted Enhancements
- Comments conversations are shown as a stack of replies which are compatible with Microsoft Word.
- Faster when editing long and complex documents. See the Optimizations below.
- Text statistics include tables, footnotes, and endnotes. This is the new default but can be disabled.
- Paragraph styles can enforce a page break before the paragraph text.
- Footnotes, endnotes, and section notes are now editable at the end of Draft View.
Improvements to Draft View's full screen mode:
- Easily accessible options bar auto-shows with the main menu.
- Ability to show (or hide) the status bar and word count.
- Focus mode option to dim inactive text.
Improvements for text indexing:
- Allow customizing the way entries are sorted in a generated index.
- If Kanji are indexed, they should be automatically converted to Hiragana for collating in the generated index.
- If Japanese text is most commonly indexed, it is sorted topmost in the generated index.
New Bookmarks palette:
- Shows bookmarks applied to the selected text.
- Easily show all cross-references using a particular bookmark.
- Easily copy a new cross-reference to an existing bookmark,
New Clipboard palette that shows available clipboards and their contents.
- More easily switch between active clipboards. Double-click to edit the clipboard's text.
- Added an "Ignore Diacritics" option for Normal Find.
- Added: new find scope allows searching only Visible Text, which excludes text that is currently hidden, eg: exclude comments if the comment sidebar is hidden.
- Added: style previews in the Style Sheet have find buttons to easily search for text using styles.
- Note styles now have options that enforce automatic before/after text around note references.
- Pleading page line numbering mode which always shows the numbers 1-26 for the section.
Added: the menu Edit > Transform Text includes a variety of new commands that can:
- Strip diacritics and strip combining marks.
- Transliterate between scripts including: Katakana, Hiragana, Full-width and Half-width, etc.
- Convert characters to their Unicode names and HTML entities.
- The autosave location can be set to any folder.
- Copy-paste for multi-part selections.
- Added the command Full Screen Minimal which switches to Draft View, Full Screen, and with all tools hidden.
- Added: menu command File > Image Analysis provides a summary of images in a document.
- Added: the Text Analysis command calculates the longest sentence (by word count) in the document and allows showing a list of longest sentences.
The clipboard tag can show either the active clipboard name or a preview of the clipboard's contents.
- Double-clicking the clipboard tag's text will open the clipboard for editing
The status bar can show word count, character count, and/or paragraph count.
- The status bar can be shown or hidden via the View menu. This setting is saved in each document.
- The scroll location (not just the selection) is restored when reopening files.
- Improved custom toolbar items, including the ability to easily create groups containing multiple menu commands.
- Added commands that will show and select cross-references used by a bookmark.
- Added commands to more easily edit existing cross-references (eg: change displayed number).
- The bookmark deletion warning dialog should allow seeing a list of affected cross-references.
- Added a command Convert Table to Text to convert all tables in the selection to regular (non-table) text.
- Added: can import .webarchive files saved by Safari.
Enhanced existing palettes:
- Character palette:
◦ Added more options (kerning, letter case, shadow color, underline colors, etc).
◦ Extended options are shown dynamically only if that formatting feature is used by selected text.
- Styles palette:
◦ Added commands, separated by style type, eg: Select Next in Style.
◦ Can optionally show/hide each type of style, eg: hide character styles.
◦ New condensed mode that shows just the active style, instead of a list.
- Table palettes:
◦ Resizing can be done numerically using the palette and menus.
◦ Table cell padding can be controlled on all sides independently (top, bottom, left, and right).
- Stats palette:
◦ Can optionally exclude empty paragraphs from the count.
◦ Can optionally hide any particular item count, eg: hide number of paragraphs.
- Paragraph palette streamlined its options, some of which are now (by default) only visible as needed.
◦ Similar streamlining to other palettes, including Sections and Line Numbers.
- Indexing palette buttons enhanced to move between text marked for index inclusion.
- Palettes that show mixed formatting now do so clearly using a customizable diagonal coloring.
- Palettes that modify borders use a new interactive edge diagram to clarify which edges are affected.
Other Enhancements
Any time a large amount of typesetting needs to occur, a progress bar should be shown in the document.
- When reopening a document, only force typesetting for the visible text, instead of all text.
- If a user cancels typesetting, the document should still be accessible, but scrolled to the very top.
- When reopening documents after launch, the progress dialog should show overall progress.
- Better display of progress when creating a PDF or printout. User should be able to cancel at any point.
- Resizing an image should be proportional by default (keep aspect ratio), unless a modifier key is down.
- Added: comments and tracked changes show icons in the text gutter, alongside relevant paragraphs.
- Added "Reply to Comment" commands to a variety of menus to add a new comment to an existing conversation. The "Add Comment" command will now always start a new separate conversation.
- Added: images: the contextual menu for images should include a "Save Image" command.
- Added: menu commands to select the next/all text using the same language or font, eg: Select All in Font.
- Added: find: show brief overlay icon on screen when search wraps.
- Added: find: repeating a find next (or previous) limited to the selection should wrap through the original selection.
- Added: find: floating palettes should be able to manipulate formatting in the Find & Replace panel.
- New built-in commands to Add Line Breaks and Remove Line Breaks.
- Added: image and shape padding can be controlled on all sides independently.
- Added: Postbox is now supported by commands on the menu File > Mail.
- Added: feedback: better default font/size in feedback window and user can zoom in/out.
- Added: shapes: main and contextual menu should allow changing the shape's placement (eg: inline vs floating).
- Added: tracked changes: double-clicking a style change in the changes pane should reveal the style in the stylesheet.
- Added: holding down the Command key while clicking on some plain text that represents a hyperlink will open it.
Refinements to the annotation side panes:
- Moved the buttons that select the next/previous annotation to the bottom of the pane. This saves space and makes the buttons accessible even when no annotations are in view.
- The minus buttons in both annotation panes should be enabled when the user selects one or more annotations.
- The plus/minus buttons in each comments should only be shown when the mouse cursor is over a comment.
- When the mouse is over an annotation its text markings should be highlighted.
- Annotation connecting lines should draw on top of the scrollbar to better show connections to the marked text.
- Added: the Help menu's search field now searches through the user guide.
- Changed: added menu for online user guide.
- Changed: if "show invisibles" is enabled and any paragraph layout options (eg: keep with next) are active for a paragraph, the gutter in Page View should show an icon for that paragraph. The icon can be clicked to control the applied options.
- Added: menu command "Edit Indents" added to the main menu and the ruler's contextual menu.
- Added: right-clicking a document ruler should show popup menus for ruler options (eg: ruler units).
- Inserting or rebuilding a generated TOC or index should show progress and allow the user to cancel.
- Changed: reverting a document to a prior version is a smoother experience, with less visual stutter and improved feedback as progress is made.
- Changed: improved contextual menu relevance and sorting.
- Added: tables: should have table specific commands on the contextual menus commands.
- Added: French contractions like l'ami and qu'avant should not be selected as a single word when double-clicking.
- Added: new separate QuickFix smart punctuation profile for French Canadian.
- Added: bookmarks: a user should be able to add a new bookmark even if no text is selected; the bookmark should be added to the word containing the insertion point.
- Added: the tooltip for a cross-reference with a missing source bookmark now shows a preview of the last successful update, if available.
- Added: the menu Insert > Glossary allows the user to insert single glossary entry expansions, as well as more easily edit existing glossary files.
- If warnings occur when reading a file, the alert should include information on the type of problem.
- RTF files are opened faster.
- Text statistics and spellchecking update faster and more reliably.
Optimizations and fixes for delays when working in long documents for the following tasks:
- making a PDF or printout.
- resizing images.
- adding or removing bookmarks.
- adding or removing comments.
- working on long documents with tables in Draft View.
- editing certain kinds of documents with many dense footnotes.
Annotation optimizations:
- Prevent poor performance when opening a file with very long tracked changes.
- Prevent slowdown if a lot of animations are sliding around onscreen.
- Prevent unnecessary annotation retiling during text layout in specific situations with overcrowding.
- If a very long (tall) annotation was shown in the sidebar, autoscrolling could behave badly.
- Improved poor performance if thousands of annotations are displayed in a sidebar.
- Prevented an esoteric degenerate case where tracked changes continuously trigger background layout.
- Draw less connecting lines if there is a lot of overcrowding.
- If the available system fonts change, prevent typesetting unless those fonts are actually used by text.
- Could take a very long time when copying a multipart selection with a large number of parts.
- Deleting text with a lot of note references is faster.
- Faster to scroll over generated indexes and TOCs.
- Automatic info stamps that can update when a document is opened should do so, regardless of settings.
- Automatic content should try not to update on idle if a lot of layout invalidation would occur.
- Changed: inserting a cross-reference to display unknown layout information (eg: a page number) will no longer force page layout but instead display a placeholder until the actual number is needed.
- Fixed: right-clicking to show the contextual menu for an empty selection should not have Apple copy the whole document's text for sharing services. This can be very slow.
Macro Enhancements
- Macros can open Search Results floating windows using the new command "Show Find Results".
New Find command flags:
- The "A" flag searches all open documents.
- The "V" flag shows the search results as a new floating window.
- The "+" flag adds the matches to the existing selection.
- The "-x" flag skips content controlled by cross-references.
- The "Prompt Options" and "Prompt Checkboxes" commands now accept an argument to select default values.
- The Text object find commands now accept a Range object for the "where" argument.
- New command Text.transformInRangeWithICU.
- New property CrossReference.lastValidBookmarkPreview.
- New property Document.allTextSelections adds an easy way to access all text in a document.
- New property Document.selectionHistory so macros can inspect earlier selections.
- New property Document.windowSize.
- New property Image.soucePixelSize.
- New properties Table.selectedTable, Table.selectedTables, and
- New command Range.newWithText.
- New command Array.sortWithCommand to allow custom sorting.
Highlighted Fixes
- Prevent anti-virus software from incorrectly flagging Nisus Writer files as potentially dangerous (false positive) due to to use of use certain RTF controls (objdata).
- Fixed: save dialogs could be incorrectly cancelled if the user switches windows or apps.
- The Navigator sidebar is faster to update in the background, and always updates immediately when clicked.
- Sometimes changing the font family via the palette would incorrectly apply a bold or italic font face.
- Text from a Microsoft Word document with tracked changes can incorrectly open as italic.
- Tracked changes within deleted heading (TOC) paragraphs can be incorrectly duplicated when reopening files.
- The user's autosave delay should be respected after returning to work after a long idle period.
- Line numbers should not be shown in exported DOC/DOCX files, or when opening Nisus Writer RTF files in LibreOffice.
- Files imported from Microsoft Word with section breaks should remove any preceding newlines, since Word does not trigger a line/paragraph break for section breaks.
- Fixed: sometimes the wrong paragraph spacing is used when doing layout in Page View.
- Fixed: selecting .dot templates in an open dialog could sometimes incorrectly enable the "ignore rich text formatting" option.
- Changed: converting cross-references to fixed content should use the last valid update text, if the original source bookmark is no longer available.
- Fixed: shapes: floating shapes with a background image should maintain opacity changes after reopening the file.
- Fixed: the user should be able to drag in the gutter alongside a text area to select whole lines of text in that area.
- Fixed: find: searching for text in the "Entire File" should match text even if it is not currently shown. For example, text in comments even if the comment editing area is hidden.
- Fixed: file sizes reported by the Document Manager should match the Finder. Changed to using decimal units (1000) instead of binary units (1024). Also should include metadata like QuickLook previews and resource forks.
- Fixed: can drag-drop images from Photos into Nisus Writer documents.
- Fixed: switching between document views did not always keep the selection in view as intended.
- Fixed: if a document is already in Full Screen mode and then switches to Draft View, the user's customizations (eg: colors) should be obeyed.
- Fixed: tables: text inside tables should use the draft and full screen colors from the user's Appearance preferences.
- Fixed: copy-paste from PDF Expert should result in a PDF image, not a hyperlink to a temp file.
- When opening files with certain kinds of indexing, spurious document warnings could be shown.
- Creating a PDF could sometimes duplicate clickable links, so two links would be stacked on top of each other.
- Changed: if a lot of text is selected or there are many multi-part selections the formatting shown to the user in the palettes and other tools is limited for performance reasons. This limit is now based on processing time instead of a fixed arbitrary number of distinct sets of formatting. This improves the consistency of the presented information and generally results in more information.
Updated PowerFind Pro / regular expression / regex engine / Oniguruma to version 6.7.1
- Updated Unicode data to version 8.0.0
- Added patterns like \N, \O, \p{In_Emoticons}, and \{Quotation_Mark}.
- Fixes a variety of bugs, crashes, and memory leaks.
- Fixed: paragraph border spacing at the top of a page can incorrectly be reduced to zero.
Other Fixes
- Fixed: spurious warnings about invalid indexing references when reopening files with certain kinds of content.
- Changed: styles: it is no longer possible to configure paragraph styles (eg: Heading 1) to override list style properties like the numbering format, before text, etc. From now on paragraph styles can only customize their list starting number and list indents. Other list changes must now always go through list styles.
- Changed: switched alls titles and labels to use the term "Formatting" instead of "Attributes", eg: Remove Formatting Except Styles.
- Changed: action commands that reference the "ruler" now consistently refer to paragraph formatting, eg: Copy Ruler is now Copy Paragraph Formatting.
- If the user chooses a document manager folder, and the existing autosave location is just the Crash Recovery folder, then set the autosave location to the document manager.
- Fixed situations where regular typing into a plain text file could incorrectly trigger the "discard formatting" warning alert.
- Fixed a variety of problems with autosaved drafts, most seriously that they could sometimes be incorrectly deleted from the autosave location. Less seriously that they could fail to reopen automatically at launch, trigger permissions errors, or not be marked as drafts.
- If any files to be reopened at launch are in the trash, the user should be asked about them all at once before the reopening process starts.
- Fixed: Go To Page did not work correctly if layout for that page had not yet been completed.
- Imported PDFs should default to showing page guides.
- An image's size could be incorrectly reported by palettes and menus if it was constrained to be smaller because the available space restricted it.
- Linked images did not automatically update if the image was edited externally but did not change its size.
- Replacing a linked image with a non-linked image would appear to succeed but the original linked image would incorrectly return if you reopened the file.
- Fixed: if two directly adjacent inline images are selected, resizing them was incorrectly non-functional.
- License key input is more lenient and ignores adjacent punctuation and bits of text.
- Scrollbars in full screen mode should use the user's chosen color scheme.
- Fixed: sorting paragraphs should ignore leading whitespace.
- Fixed several autoscrolling issues when editing text in Page View.
- Fixed: typing at the end of document in Page View, in a paragraph whose text straddles two pages with widow and orphan control enabled, could cause a lot of flickering.
- The Swap Paste command should be enabled if a table slice is selected.
- Inserting newlines and tabs into a style's preview produced incorrect results when a list style was in effect.
- Changed: removed "Select Range" formatting search commands, since they are superfluous and the behavior has been folded into the "Select Next" attribute commands.
- Changed: palettes: the Language palette's list of spelling corrections and thesaurus entries only requires a single click.
- Fixed: TOC: moving headings marked for TOC inclusion can damage references in a generated TOC and trigger warnings when reopening documents.
- Fixed some problems with TOC and Indexing palettes not enabling correctly.
- Fixed: indexing: using "Index As" on a multi-part selection should not default the topic to all the selected text joined together with newlines, but only use the first selection.
- Fixed: the "Remove Indexing" menu command is not always enabled properly.
- Comments: commands that skip to the next/previous comment did not work consistently with conversations.
- Fixed: after switching document views, annotations could appear in wildly inaccurate locations. Only triggered if annotations were applied to hidden content, eg: footnotes in draft view.
- Fixed: resizing an annotation side view to zero width should close it.
- Changed: find: users are now allowed to paste a table into the "replace with" field of the Find window to replace all matches with a table.
- Fixed: find: if a replace all operation generates new list items because newlines are inserted, the selected matches can be incorrect.
- Fixed: find: switching back to Nisus Writer from another Desktop with the Find panel showing should not bring the Find panel into the activate Desktop, it should properly reshow all document windows.
- Fixed: indexing: including a multi-part selection in the index using automatic topics doesn't always draw the correct markings immediately.
- Fixed: if the user opens and edits an attachment from Apple Mail, the save panel should default to the Desktop and use the original name, instead of showing the temporary folder and an untitled name.
- Changed: the folder names on the Open Recent menu (used to disambiguate files with exactly the same names) should not show temporary folder names that are strings of random letters and numbers.
- Fixed: the ruler should not allow or show certain markers when editing certain types of styles in Style View.
- Fixed: the "paste ruler" command can incorrectly introduce a writing direction override.
- Fixed: dragging the ruler marker for the hanging indent does not always update the locked indent marker position.
- Fixed: the command that converts characters to Unicode code points prefers the format \u{xxxx} now. When converting from Unicode the following escapes are now supported: \x{hhhh}, \u{hhhh}, &#xhhhh;, &#dddd;, U+hhhh, \xhhhh, \uhhhh.
- Fixed: a minor bug with annotations backsliding too far when annotations were crowded on screen.
- Fixed: the status bar coloring should match any user customizations in the active document view.
- Changed: communication with Bookends uses app bundle identifiers instead of app creator codes.
- Changed: improved error reporting if an equation image can't be opened in its external editor (eg: MathType).
- Fixed: applying a color to some text could fail to change the display on screen when a global Document View color preference was in effect.
- Fixed: freshly pasted images should report their file name and type, eg: in the Formatting Examiner palette.
- Fixed: RTF files saved by Word can in rare circumstances open with some text using the wrong font.
- Changed: eliminated random elements of emitted RTF (eg: style order, list style ids) to increase consistency when text content hasn't changed.
- Fixed: reverting a plain text document after introducing formatting would trigger layout exceptions, where the user could not close the document.
- Fixed: text transformation commands (eg: convert to Unicode code points) could fail to process all text in the selection under certain circumstances.
- Fixed: tables: special selection coloring (eg: find results) should be obeyed for entire table slices.
- Fixed: spelling: red misspelling underlines did not always show reliably in ancillary text areas after switching document views.
- Fixed: spelling: red misspelling underlines should never be suppressed in text areas not being edited.
- Fixed: spelling: red underlines used to show misspelled words could appear at the incorrect vertical offset for certain kinds of content (eg: table cells) when paragraph spacing was not zero.
- Fixed: tooltips for special content (eg: footnotes, images, etc) are shown more reliably.
- Fixed: improved code that checks to see if the blank line at the end of a document requires a new page or not.
- Added: indexing: new menu command "Don't Index" which ensures no indexing for the selected text, even if index inclusion is enforced via a style.
- Fixed: indexing: applying a "Don't Index" override to some text marked for index inclusion by a style would be incorrectly lost when reopening a file.
- Fixed: indexing: allow indexing multipart selections, even if one of them is in a generated index.
- Changed: indexing: the Index As dialog should open with the topic field pre-selected when appropriate.
- Fixed: tables: sometimes beeps instead of pasting into table selection.
- Fixed: tables: in certain situations tables inside comments can trigger text that appears after the table to be lost when reopening the file.
- Fixed: if the selection rests in a non-main text area, the Page Setup dialog can incorrectly ask about which sections to modify.
- Fixed: constant background CPU usage if list item paragraph contained a cross-reference to its own list item.
- Changed: images: the contextual menu for images should not include some irrelevant options like spelling, character transformations, etc.
- Fixed: the special characters palette and menu should be able to insert characters into sheets (eg: into the Set Custom Note Reference sheet).
- Fixed: if text entirely lacks a ruler, the automatic tab distance always incorrectly consumed the entire line.
- Fixed: inserting a word before an opening parenthesis character should insert a space.
- Fixed: redefining a style from the selection did not always properly consider font face overrides like Unbold.
- Fixed: styles: forward delete and backward delete keys should behave the same in Style Sheet view.
- Fixed: styles: the user should be able to copy-paste in the style preview text area.
- Fixed: changing view settings in Draft View will more reliably keep the same text visible.
- Fixed: deleting glossaries in the preferences was finicky.
- Fixed: the Styles palette should show paragraph borders and shading.
- Fixed: palettes: if the language palette updates a thesaurus lookup after a delay, should not disrupt any scrolling the user has done in the thesaurus listing.
- Fixed: palettes: the user's choice of active font collection should be consistently respected.
- Fixed: fixed line spacing can use the wrong baseline if there is more superscripted or subscripted text on a line than regular text.
- Changed: improved placement and size of insertion point in superscripted text using fixed line height.
- Fixed: undoing a drag-drop of formatted text that resulted in QuickFix actions (eg: smart quotes) could result in unstable stylesheet state.
- Fixed: if the selection caret is set to a custom width and does not blink on/off, it can leave stale drawing on screen at the end of document.
- Fixed: shapes: if two floating shapes intersected the same line of text, the space between the shapes could incorrectly be empty. Text wrapping should occur around both shapes, filling the space between them if possible.
- Changed: shapes: pressing Command + Z to undo in the new shape creation mode should abort the mode.
- Changed: better resize cursors indicate actual directionality.
- Fixed: notes: documents with certain spanning footnotes could incorrectly hide note content out of view, or disassociate the note reference from the note content and place them on different pages.
- Fixed: tracked changes: the fonts and spacing used in the tracked changes sidebar were not always consistent with document text, which looked ugly and sometimes produced a disjointed UI.
- Fixed: tracked changes: prevent clipping of formatting change bubbles in the sidebar, PDFs, and printouts when space is tight.
- Added: shapes: taking any shape editing action that requires Page View should alert the user and give them a chance to cancel.
- Changed: if a backup folder fails to be accessible, the warning alert should include an option to "Try Again".
- Fixed: annotations: annotation content in the sidebar should not obscure control buttons (eg: paragraph background shading).
- Fixed: images: drag-dropping an image between Nisus Writer documents should preserve image resizing and other such changes.
- Fixed: doc man: editing a saved search filter document manager group with certain joined criteria could incorrectly show the search target as "document properties" instead of the actual target (eg: Content).
- Fixed: annotations: some undesirable autoscrolling can be triggered when the selection (or caret) rests in comments or tracked changes.
- Fixed: tables: several problems when selecting tables inside floating text boxes.
- Fixed: comments: files using certain font charsets could trigger comments to shift slightly when opening RTF files.
- Fixed: drag-dropping content into an otherwise empty document can trigger out-of-bounds index errors.
- Fixed: if an exception occurs during undo/redo, limit the problem to a single document and warn the user they should save and close the affected file.
- Fixed: images: drag-dropping image files with missing or incorrect file extensions should still insert the image, instead of creating a hyperlink to the file.
- Fixed: images: pasting an image into the Find window should not match other kinds of special objects (eg: automatic numbers).
- Fixed: shapes: floating text boxes that are linked together can trigger errors and instability due to invalid ruler updates.
- Fixed: drag-dropping a word in front of a closing grouping character (like a close parenthesis) should not insert a space.
- Added: palettes: the table cell border and page border palettes should automatically select relevant visible edges based on the selection.
- Fixed: the word counts provided by Text Analysis should match those found in the Statistics palette and status bar.
- Fixed: Text Analysis word and sentence counts should be shown for non-English languages, even if reading ease scores aren't known.
- Fixed: Long email addresses and URLs should not lower reading ease scores.
- Fixed: incorrect sentence boundary detection when a sentence ended with a number or abbreviation.
- Fixed: lists: applying a list style to a selection with mixed list styles is more consistent, following the behavior of other formatting commands to enforce a consistent list style.
- Improved the warning dialog that is displayed at launch when multiple copies of Nisus Writer are running at the same time.
- Changed: if a destabilizing layout error occurs the affected document window could fail to close.
- Changed: if a destabilizing layout error occurs in a document with unsaved changes the user should be forced to choose a new save location.
- Changed: loading the list of most recently used fonts should not check if they are still available on the system. This prevents annoying system alerts asking to maybe download fonts.
- Fixed: find: cutting text from the find field could sometimes incorrectly enable the formatting sensitive search option.
- Fixed: possible exception when resizing header/footer area.
- Added: doc manager: if the user chooses a new document manager folder that already contains existing files, the warning alert should include a button to create a new empty folder.
- Fixed: copy-paste of an image file from the Finder on High Sierra should not paste a large proxy icon, but should instead insert a link to the destination image file.
- Fixed: a new document window should not be created on app activation if the preferences window is open.
- Fixed: should not use template files that have been trashed externally.
- Fixed: ligature formatting of "use none" could be lost when copy-pasting or reopening files.
- Fixed: find: using the menu commands that remove all text formatting in the Find window should not automatically checkmark the "formatting sensitive" option.
- Fixed: the Save menu commands for the Document Manager don't always default to the proper folder.
- Changed: tables: improved Fit to Contents table command when some title cells are empty.
- Changed: users should not be allowed to replace an open document's file using the Export As dialog.
- Fixed: images: sometimes tooltips for images incorrectly remain on screen, even after the user switches to another document.
- Fixed: shapes: the state was wrong for the menu Shape > Text Wrapping > No Wrapping.
- Fixed: notes: if there are a lot of footnotes that restart numbering on each page, background layout can continue indefinitely.
- Fixed: clearing all recent documents did not clear the contextual menu on the system app dock.
- Changed: shapes: floating shapes with non-rectangular wraps modes should draw a reduced bounding box indicator for Show Invisibles, instead of simply showing nothing.
- Fixed: automatic hyphenation will incorrectly not be attempted if a line wrap occurs exactly at a punctuation character like a period or semicolon.
- Fixed: paragraph padding enforced through paragraph borders and shading can fail to be applied correctly when paragraphs have only shading (and no borders).
- Fixed: changing paragraph borders and shading did not always adjust the layout of surrounding paragraphs to account for necessary spacing changes.
- Fixed: could incorrectly read paragraph shading from files where adjacent paragraphs have the same borders but different shading.
- Fixed: paragraph formatting icons should show in the gutter next to paragraphs where custom formatting has been reduced (from the prior paragraph).
- Fixed: doc man: dragging a style from the style library preview area onto the same preview area should not trigger a style import.
- Changed: if an exception occurs while preparing the save panel, do not let it deadlock NSDocument's sync activity methods by bubbling up to Cocoa.Changed: styles: if the user renames a style so it matches an existing style, but differs only in character case or style type, the user should be warned. The user may still confirm and override to use the confusing name.
- Changed: styles: when pasting text from an external source, incoming style names should use case insensitive name matching if possible, eg: the document should not end up with both a "Hyperlink" and "hyperlink" styles (if there are no formatting conflicts).
- Fixed: empty text areas in Page View (due to section and page breaks) could trigger much more layout than required, leading to beachballs in long documents.
- Fixed: invalid nil "SYMBOL" field codes should not throw exceptions and prevent documents from opening.
- Fixed: bookmarks with newlines in their names cause bad display in the Navigator and some other UIs.
- Changed: feedback completion message is clearer regarding replies for anonymous submissions.
- The active preferences pane should update its displayed settings after the window is closed and reopened.
- Changed: the sort paragraphs menu commands should preserve the specialness of a piece of automatic content (eg: a generated TOC) if the sorting only occurs within that single content.
- Fixed: cancelling watermark changes to sections should not trigger layout invalidation.
- The Open Recent documents limit should be 10 by default.
- Added: the feedback reporter should warn about anonymous submissions.
Hangs & Crashes
- Fixed: possible crash when quitting the app.
- Changed: if an exception occurs while drawing text the user should be alerted instead of crashing.
- Fixed: making changes to images when Apple's image Markup overlay indicator was visible could crash.
- Fixed: adjusting section margins in Page View can trigger crashes.
- Fixed: possible crash when large layout invalidation removes a visible note area from the screen.
- Fixed: possible crash when adjusting the paragraph border padding for paragraphs with different border settings.
- Fixed: images: possible hang when ruler indents exceed the width of the image to which they're applied.
- Fixed: tracked changes: creating a PDF or printout can hang if a generated TOC was inside a tracked deletion.
- Fixed: copy-pasting an attachment icon from Apple Mail should not cause a hang.
- Fixed: a very long QuickFix or Glossary abbreviation (1000's of characters) should not trigger a crash.
- Fixed: tables: trying to insert a table with gibberish text for the row/column count should not hang the app.
- Fixed: crash would occur if using QuickSave and an error occurred.
- Fixed: added safety so RTF writer doesn't trigger a hang, even if it can't make text emitting progress when saving.
- Fixed: track changes: potential crash when reading files with tracked text changes at the very end of a text area.
- Possible hang if paragraph layout options are enacted between linked floating text boxes.
- Fixed: potential crash after modifying styles.
- Fixed: possible crash when reverting a document to a prior version.
- Fixed: prevent possible hang when rebuilding TOC.
Macro Fixes
- Fixed: the command "Select All" could fail to change the selection if Nisus Writer was not the active app.
- Fixed: the Prompt Options command could return the wrong selected option if multiple "pages" of options were displayed at once.
- Fixed: macros: the find and replace option to preserve the existing selection did not always work correctly when replacements occurred within certain kinds of automatic content.
- Fixed: macros: macros using clipboard windows (eg: using Edit Current Clipboard) can fail certain interactive commands (eg: Select All).
- Opt: macros: faster to run when using a lot of object commands and properties.
- Fixed: using the command File.readStringAtPath with a literal string encoding instead of a dynamic var that receives the output encoding could result in weird errors. Same with Run AppleScript and the out error description.
- Fixed: mutation of macro literal text values can sometimes incorrectly modify the source macro file.
- Fixed: running any macro should not ask the user to choose a Document Manager folder, if they have not already done so.
- Fixed: macros that insert text should never generate multiple warning alerts about font substitution.
- Fixed: the Image object should provide a "dataType" property.
- Fixed: the command "File.forgetAccessAtPath" can trigger errors.
- Fixed: macros: better error reporting if there's a problem with a find expression or option.
- Fixed: macros: the Show All Menu Key Shortcuts macro should not trigger the font substitution alert warning.