Link to a location on the Internet

It’s easy to link to a web page or other content on the web. The hardest part is getting the correct location information (also known as a URL) for the desired destination.

URL stands for Universal Resource Locator, which is a technical way to say “location”. A URL is the address of some particular piece of content on the web. You’ve probably seen a lot of URLs even if you don’t know it. For example is the URL for the main Nisus Software website. Usually you will copy such URLs from your web browser.

It’s best if you copy your destination’s URL before you begin. For example, by copying the URL from the address bar in your web browser (eg: Safari).

To link to some content on the web:

1. Select the text you want to link, ie: the text where the link should be applied.

2. Choose the menu command: Insert > Hyperlink > Add Link to URL….

3. Type the URL into the Link destination field. This is where you want the link to go. If you copied the URL earlier it should appear here automatically.

4. Click the Insert button.

The link is applied to the selected text.

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