How can I get colored text in the Graphics layer?

FAQ for Nisus Writer Classic (versions 6.5 and under)

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How can I get colored text in the Graphics layer?

Post by martin »

<OL><LI>Click the Display Graphics Bar button <IMG SRC="/Support/Mark/FAQ/graphic_button.gif" WIDTH="17" HEIGHT="16" alt="Graphics bar button"> on the Horizontal Button Bar.</LI> <LI>Select the Text Tool <IMG SRC="/Support/Mark/FAQ/text_tool.gif" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="19" alt="Text tool"> on the Graphics Bar.</LI> <LI>Click in your document and type some text.</LI> <LI>Select the Pointer Tool <IMG SRC="/Support/Mark/FAQ/pointer_tool.gif" WIDTH="25" HEIGHT="19" alt="Pointer tool"> on the Graphics Bar.</LI> <LI>Choose a Pen Color from the Pen Color pop-up menu on the Graphics Bar.</li></ol> <table><tr><td><IMG SRC="/Support/Mark/FAQ/pen_color_popup.jpg" WIDTH="109" HEIGHT="100" alt="Pen color popup"></td> <td><IMG SRC="/Support/Mark/FAQ/the_quick_brown.gif" WIDTH="220" HEIGHT="81" alt="Colored text"></td></tr> </table> Poof, colored text! If you want the text box background color to be something other than white, choose a color from the Fill Color pop-up menu on the Graphics Bar.</P>
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