If you purchased Nisus Writer Express from the Mac App Store (MAS), and would like to switch to using a version of Nisus Writer Express downloaded directly from our website, the process is relatively simple. Starting with version 3.5 (and later) Nisus Writer Express will automatically detect your MAS receipt. Follow these instructions to import your MAS receipt to the directly downloaded version:
1. Do not delete the MAS copy of Nisus Writer Express from your Mac. Leave it in its existing location (most likely the Applications folder).
2. Download the "zip archive" of Nisus Writer Express from our update page.
3. If your web browser did not do so automatically, then unzip Nisus Writer Express. Leave it in the Downloads or Desktop folder. Do not put it in the same folder as the MAS version or it will overwrite your receipt.
4. Launch the version of Nisus Writer Express you just downloaded.
5. Choose the menu Nisus Writer Express > Licenses...
6. Click the button "Enter License..."
7. Nisus Writer Express will try to automatically detect and import your MAS receipt from the Applications folder.
If Nisus Writer Express does not automatically detect your MAS receipt, you will need to hold down the Command key when clicking the "Enter License" button in step #6. That will trigger Nisus Writer Express to guide you through the process.
Once you've successfully imported your MAS receipt, you no longer need the copy of Nisus Writer Express obtained from the MAS. You may safely trash your MAS copy of Nisus Writer Express, and move the directly downloaded version to any folder you'd like (eg: your Applications folder).
How do I switch away from a Mac App Store purchase?
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