Is it possible edit a .dot template file.

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Is it possible edit a .dot template file.

Post by frodeaux »

Is it possible to edit (not create a new .rtf document with) a .dot template.
I know you can resave the newly created .rtf as a .dot file, but is there
a more direct way?
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Re: Is it possible edit a .dot template file.

Post by martin »

Yes, there is a way to open .dot template files for editing:

1. Show the standard file opening dialog using the menu File > Open.
2. Navigate to the template and select it in the file listing.
3. In the options area underneath, make sure the option "Open as New File" is not checkmarked.
optins.png (18.36 KiB) Viewed 31325 times
4. Click the "Open" button.

I hope that helps.
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Re: Is it possible edit a .dot template file.

Post by Hamid »

If the .dot template is a Nisus New File, you can edit it by opening it by pressing the 'Open For Editing...' button in NWP Preferences>New File>Advanced.
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