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Is there a "Fields" function?

Posted: 2013-08-12 03:17:45
by chris.sackett
Is there a "Fields" function in Nisus Writer? In Word and Open Office "fields" can be used to auto-assign sequential numbers, for example to bios of people in a genealogy book. Simply numbering the people is not enough when there might be thousands of entries and there may be a need to insert new people at any point.

Chris Sackett

Re: Is there a "Fields" function?

Posted: 2013-08-13 11:05:30
by martin
Hi Chris,

Before I answer your actual question I just want to clear up some terminology. What Word calls fields actually serve a great many purposes. Not only automatic number sequences but also indexing, TOC, etc– even plain old hyperlinks are implemented in Word using fields. In a strict sense Nisus Writer does not use Word's field codes internally (except when reading/write RTF files so we remain compatible), but we do have something that manage smart/automated content in documents. Though honestly all of these semantics are irrelevant to your question.

Onward to your actual question: how to automatically number people (or any bit of text) in Nisus Writer Pro. Here are the options:

1. If you can tolerate that the automatic numbers must be inserted at the beginning of a paragraph, use a list style. You can configure the style so that the numbers are inserted using any format like "3", "iii", or "c", and specify any prefix/suffix, eg: "Chapter III:". The list can continue numbering even if it's broken up using the "continue numbering across document content" option in the stylesheet.

2. If you really need the numbers to be interspersed anywhere in your document text (ie: not at the start of paragraphs), you could use a macro like the one Philip wrote recently in our thread on chapter numbers. If Philip's macro doesn't suit your needs, let me know why not and perhaps we can furnish you with a different macro more to your liking.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.

Re: Is there a "Fields" function?

Posted: 2013-08-14 07:44:20
by chris.sackett

Many thanks. The description of the macro suggests it will do just what I want. You prompt and detailed reply and the promise of more help on the forum if needed have persuaded me to go ahead and buy Nisus.


Re: Is there a "Fields" function?

Posted: 2013-08-14 12:41:19
by martin
That's great to hear, we're very happy to help. Welcome aboard!