.ss file

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.ss file

Post by rapunzelus »

Hi everyone,

I’ve got an .ss file which was supposed to written with “Nisus” under Macintos or Mac OS (unfortunately I don’t know which version). With the Demo of Nisus Writer. I was not able to open the file respectively with design failures. (It's written in Hebrew with vowels)

I would be very thankful if you could help me with any information how to open the file nowadays.


Link to the file: http://dfiles.eu/files/fbjecihj6
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Re: .ss file

Post by martin »

It's possible this is a Classic Nisus Writer file that has lost its resource fork. When you move Classic Mac OS files around, either between drives or by sending/posting them online, the resource fork can go missing. If that occurs then formatting will be lost, text can become garbled, etc.

How did you originally obtain this file? Can you get another copy from the source, but be sure to archive/zip it before it is transmitted, moved, or copied in any way. That will normally preserve the resource fork, so you might be able to successfully open the file in Nisus Writer Pro.
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