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Total Page Numbers in Document AND Pages in Section?

Posted: 2012-11-09 18:55:59
by dslyoga

Is it possible to place, in the Footer, the Current Document Page Number and Total Number of Pages in DOCUMENT, while at same time putting, in the Header, the Current Section Page Number and Total Number of Pages in SECTION? It seems I can get one or the other, but not both.

So, for example, I have a document with a total of (hypothetically) 320 pages:

In the Footer, I want:
Current Document Page Number (of the total number of pages in entire Document) and Total Number of Pages in entire Document ...

i.e., 32 of 320

And in the Header, I want:
Current Section Page Number (of total number of pages in current Section) and Total Number of Pages in the current Section.

i.e., 6 of 32

I have the first two pages of the document set with invisible headers and footers, with 1st page number and total number of pages in document starting on Document page 3, which is also 1st page of the 1st Section. I've got each Section with it's own sub-heading repeating in the Headers. But when I try to use the Section Palette to restart the Section to page 1 in the header, the page number in the Footer restarts to 1 as well.

Any ideas? Or is this not doable?

Thanks, DSL

Re: Total Page Numbers in Document AND Pages in Section?

Posted: 2012-11-11 03:25:57
by scottwhitlock

This is a hard one. Unless there is some macro-magic, I don't see any way to do this, because when you reset page numbering for the section, it also resets page numbering for the total document in the footer. I've tried every combination that makes logical sense, and I can't get NWP to do this. But, in fairness, I can't get Word to do it either, because it acts similarly to NWP. And don't even try to make sense of how many ways Pages can't do it. It seems to me that there needs to be a new property under Insert -> Automatic Number called Page Number (Section), but there may be serious problems in adding that that I'm not aware of.

Sorry I couldn't help,


Re: Total Page Numbers in Document AND Pages in Section?

Posted: 2012-11-11 08:54:04
by dslyoga
Thank You Very Much, Scott.

Just knowing someone else has tried and not succeeded is useful.

I won't lose as much sleep over it. :o

I had thought leaving Different Footer UN-checked would do it, under theory that the same footer would maintain throughout document. But as you say, it appears the Section numbering in the Different Header overrides the Page numbering in the *NOT* Different Footer. (I guess it depends on how you define the word "not" :? Maybe we have a case of semi-not?)

I did not ry the reverse, Page numbering of total document in Header, because I also have the current chapter name in the header, and wanted section numbering in header too. Did not really make sense to have them in footer.

Oh Well. Perfection is always JUST out of reach, is it not?

Thanks Again & Take Care,
David Scott Lynn

Re: Total Page Numbers in Document AND Pages in Section?

Posted: 2012-11-12 12:56:19
by martin
This isn't something you can do, though you could conceivably put together some kind of macro that would run and update all your page numbers as you'd like, but it'd be awkward.

I'm curious why you're looking to do such a thing? It seems to me that having two page numbering systems in the same document would be confusing. Well, if we did add such a feature, perhaps it'd make the most sense to add an option to insert the physical page number (out of the total number of pages in the document), and then let the current insert page number option continue to rely upon the logical/section page numbers.

Re: Total Page Numbers in Document AND Pages in Section?

Posted: 2012-11-12 15:19:12
by dslyoga
Hi Martin! ... Thanks for Your Response!

WHY would I want to do such a thing? Well, it is always dangerous to assume there is anyone else on Earth like me, but I often notice myself wondering ... How many pages till the end of THIS particular chapter? Yet, I also want to know how many pages total.

ASLO, I am planning on having certain books where each chapter could be sold as a separate stand-alone, sold one chapter at a time. But having total page numbers on the page might make people wonder, Well, what else has he got?

And if I'm going to do it, doing both numberings all at once seems more efficient to do at the beginning. ...
I also seem to remember seeing that somewhere long ago, and just thought it was really cool!

Maybe I'm just weird??? ... I dunno.

So, that's my thinking. ... Thanks for asking,
David Scott Lynn