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Mathtype image size and Snow Leopard

Posted: 2009-09-25 12:00:03
by snoweater
1. Resolution of Image of Mathtype equations inserted with Leopard is very poor after OSX is updated to Snow Leopard.
2. Image size of Mathtype equations is not automatically adjusted with Snow Leopard. When Mathtype images are copy&past or dragged into NWP document, NWP treats them as usual image. So Mathtype images are expanded to fit document width. Pages 09 does same way when copy&pase or dragged, but its "Insert => Mathtype Equation" does automatic resize nicely. I think this should be related to Snow Leopard.
I need immediate fix of these problems. Thanks.

Re: Mathtype image size and Snow Leopard

Posted: 2009-09-28 17:27:16
by martin
Apple appears to have changed something on 10.6 in the way images behave on the clipboard. You can observe the same problem when pasting an equation into TextEdit. Hopefully we can workaround this problem, thanks!

Re: Mathtype image size and Snow Leopard

Posted: 2009-09-29 01:29:25
by martin
We should have this fixed in public beta 4.

Re: Mathtype image size and Snow Leopard

Posted: 2009-09-29 11:42:14
by snoweater
Thanks for quick fix. I got public beta 4.
But the resolution of the mathtype equation is still poorer than it was with Leopard. The resolution difference is obvious between NWP and Pages. Please fix this problem. Thanks.

Re: Mathtype image size and Snow Leopard

Posted: 2009-09-30 17:57:36
by martin
I haven't been able to see any different in the image quality. For me, the equations are sharp and crisp, both on screen and saved to PDF. I've zoomed in far (eg: 800%) and the equations look like smooth curves to me.

Can you send us an example document using the menu Help > Send Feedback? Also, does the problem affect newly inserted equations, old ones, or both?

Re: Mathtype image size and Snow Leopard

Posted: 2009-10-01 08:04:39
by snoweater
Both newly and previously inserted equations are affected. I am going to send an example. Thanks.