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page numbering different styles in same document?

Posted: 2009-09-24 12:26:47
by leontan
My God, I thought this was an easy program to use when i bought it but it turns out to be so difficult to format!

I urgently need to submit my PhD thesis and need to have a front section numbered in roman numerals and a main section in arabic numbers but there appears to be no simple way to do this? Can someone help?

Re: page numbering different styles in same document?

Posted: 2009-09-24 14:20:30
by martin
You'll want to start a new section where you want the numbering format to change. Just use one of the menus under Insert > Section Break. Then place the selection somewhere in the section you want to adjust and use the "Sections" palette to control the numbering options. Probably you want to turn on "restart page number" for the second section, and change the numbering style popup for the first section.