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Sharing Stylesheets (question)

Posted: 2007-11-14 03:55:25
by falakiiwo
Is there a way to share a custom stylesheet between documents? That would be very useful...

Posted: 2007-11-14 05:26:39
by scottwhitlock
Sure there is.

To do this, you have to use copy and pasting. To copy an existing customized style, go to View-> Style Sheet. Select the custom style you want to move to another document and copy it (Cmd-C, or select Edit - Copy).

Switch to the other document, and set the view to Style Sheet if you haven't already. Simply paste (Cmd-V or select Edit-Paste), and the custom style will be added to this document.

Hope this helps,


Yes, but...

Posted: 2007-11-16 00:03:23
by falakiiwo
Thank you, but in fact I was looking for a way to share a whole stylesheet between many different documents, without having to copy-and-paste each style every time I change it. Sorry for not stating that clearly. I guess what I am looking for is something along the lines of cascading style sheets, i.e. an independent source/file for style information.

Posted: 2007-11-20 22:03:13
by feat
I once ran into this problem and solved it by:
  • - using one of my files as a template for new documents
    - importing each file in a new document while keeping its styles
    - selecting the text for each old style and assigning it the new intended style
    - getting rid of the stale styles
Since Nisus lets you switch new file templates from its preferences, I may select any regular or homemade dot file whenever I start a new doc.

I'm aware this might look a bit tedious at first look, but as a professional writer I only use about half a dozen style-sheets... and this I can handle.