getting the path of the front document

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getting the path of the front document

Post by js »

I think Nisus macro language can't return a docment path. So I tried it with an Applescript

Code: Select all

tell application "Nisus Writer Pro public beta"
	set the clipboard to (path of document 1 as text)
end tell
Why does this not work?
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Post by martin »

I don't have any advice on AppleScript macros, but you can get the document path using Nisus Macros:

Code: Select all

$path = Document Property “file path”
Write Clipboard $path
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Post by js »

martin wrote:I don't have any advice on AppleScript macros, but you can get the document path using Nisus Macros:

Code: Select all

$path = Document Property “file path”
Write Clipboard $path
Thanks. That was helpful, as always. And it's a fine command to have for a macro that inserts links to other files.

Just wondering: I haven't seen this command so far. Is it documented? Is there a list of the complete set of commands available in the actual beta of NW Pro?
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Post by rmark »

Such a list should (we've done all we could to limit the creation of new commands), be in the next version of the beta manual. This should get posted sometime on May 17.
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Mark Hurvitz
Nisus Software Inc.
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Post by rmark »


Sorry for raising expectations here.

It turns out that the version that's got all the new macro commands is not a public beta ("not ready for prime time"). And, therefore the manual that goes with it is not public either.

I'm afraid you'll simply have to be patient as we smooth out all the kinks.

Thank you for sticking with us.
Write On!
Mark Hurvitz
Nisus Software Inc.
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