Qued/M for OS X?

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Qued/M for OS X?

Post by aseriesguy »

I am a mainframe and PC COBOL programmer. I have used Qued/M for over 15 years for all my editing, the last 9 on a PM7600 running 7.61 and Qued/M version 2.6. The PM7600 is about to die so I picked up an iMac G5 running OS X 4.8. I installed Qued/M (ver 2.6 and 3.03) in Classic and have been working with them. After more than 40 years in this business, my eyes are getting a bit tired and the screens displayed in Classic are just not as clear and nice as in OS X. Is there any hope of Qued/M ever becoming a full fledged OS X app so I can get away from Classic??
Rich Thayer
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Post by martin »

Hello Rich, I have to tell you that the possibility of QUED/M ever showing up on OSX is very slim. Sorry to not have better news.
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Post by ssampler »

Rich, I was a long-time QUED/M user but was able to give it up after I found BBEdit (barebones.com). There is a free version called TextWrangler, but it didn't have code-folding the last I looked.

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Post by MacSailor »

ssampler wrote:Rich, I was a long-time QUED/M user but was able to give it up after I found BBEdit (barebones.com). There is a free version called TextWrangler, but it didn't have code-folding the last I looked.

Have a look at the excellent Smultron. Since I'm not a programmer, I do not no if this application fits your needs, but give it a try.
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Post by lyle »

ssampler wrote:Rich, I was a long-time QUED/M user but was able to give it up after I found BBEdit (barebones.com). There is a free version called TextWrangler, but it didn't have code-folding the last I looked.
Note that you can try BBEdit out for 30 days as a free trial. It isn't horribly expensive.

Have you tried the XCode editor that comes free with Mac OS X? It's part of the developer tools install. I use it all the time, especially for huge files.

I miss Qued/M, too. It was my first product from these fine folks. I still use it when I tinker with the old Macs.
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Re: Qued/M for OS X?

Post by acrobytes »

I also am sorely missing QUED/M and have decided to recreate it or at least what it does (did).
Am planning to do it both for Mac and Windows.
It would help to hear words of encouragement from QUED users.
I was planning to leave out the Macro features presuming that Nisus Writer covers that.

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Re: Qued/M for OS X?

Post by lyle »

I suppose the first thing to do is to define what QUED/M is. Of course, the "/M" stood for "Macros?, but if you make your app AppleScriptable, there you go. If you make it recordable, which is best done by integrating recordability into the app from the very start by factoring it (basically, you write your app so everything done via the GUI is done by having the app send AppleEvents to itself, which it then handles), that would make it even nicer.

One thing I remember (or think I do) about QUED/M was rectangular selections. If you had a file that included, say, three columns of text, you could select part of any one or more columns. You might also have been able to do non-contiguous selections, like selecting the red words from this sentence.

I'm pretty sure it was disk-based, which was a big deal when you had less than a megabyte of RAM, but that might not be as big an issue these days with Macs typically having gigabytes of RAM (something which still boggles my mind).

I suppose I should go fire up one of my old, old Macs that has QUED/M on it and start poking around!
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Re: Qued/M for OS X?

Post by Stan Lytle »

I cast my vote for an OS X version of Qued. I've used it for over 20 years, almost 25 years. The features that it has puts this application in a class of it's own. There is nothing else that I've seen that even comes close to it. It's a shame that you have decided to abandon your loyal customers. Oh well, time to turn off the iMac and fire up the G4 so I can use Qued.
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Re: Qued/M for OS X?

Post by bwshore »

Regarding what Qued/M was useful for. I too used Qued/M for several years, almost entirely for the macros. I was able to select all of the separate files for different chapters of my book, and then in each one of them do a search for a pattern, or make a global replace of a pattern. Not just a word or phrase but a pattern, rather like I gather one can do with grep or probably other unix commands. I suppose a clever unix user could do this sort of thing, but I just use GUI sorts of programs. I have not figured out how to do this sort of pattern search and replace with any of my editors, including TextWrangler. By pattern I mean a collection of digits or two letters followed by a dash or some such thing. Qued/M did this just fine, and the subsequent software from Nisus does not do at all what I need.
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Re: Qued/M for OS X?

Post by martin »

bwshore wrote:By pattern I mean a collection of digits or two letters followed by a dash or some such thing. Qued/M did this just fine, and the subsequent software from Nisus does not do at all what I need.
The current version of Nisus Writer (Pro and Express) has this feature. You can construct PowerFind expressions using the "gear menu" in the Find & Replace dialog, eg: to search for one or more digits followed by a dash:
Picture 1.png
Picture 1.png (4.36 KiB) Viewed 61492 times
You can also use PowerFind Pro, which uses standard regex/grep syntax (regular expressions) instead of the shaded "bubbles".
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Re: Qued/M for OS X?

Post by lyle »

Now this is interesting. I just got an email today telling me there was a new post to this thread, and the latest one is from almost a year ago. How timely! Still, it has prompted me to go download a trial copy of Nisus Writer Pro.

Wow, the family pack is only $99. Four extra licenses for $5 each? Honesty is so cheap! :-)
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Re: Qued/M for OS X?

Post by seahaven »

I still use QUED/M every day.
The Macro facility is difficult to beat.

I develop code for Windows on a MAC 9600.

Anyone else out there still using QUED/M ?

Charles W
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Re: Qued/M for OS X?

Post by acrobytes »

I still want to use QUED/M on OSX + Windows and am planning to write it. My main use is the "show invisibles" feature. I posted a message back in 2009 that I was going to do it. Since it hasn't come, I should just give up. By the time I figure out how to write a OSX program, the OS is obsolete and there is a new compiler, so I just keep reading and hoping I will get there eventually.
I am also trying to learn iPhone apps.

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Re: Qued/M for OS X?

Post by lyle »

If what you are looking for on Mac OS X is "show invisibles", you might want to try Tex-Edit Plus, from Trans-Tex software..

The source for Text Edit (Apple's text editor) is part of the development system. You could use it as a starting point for a Qued/M replacement.
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