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sort parag. does NOT work

Posted: 2006-03-27 14:09:14
by disfasia
i have the latest nwe and it is a french version (i recall the fr. version causes this one of the troubles)



Posted: 2006-03-27 14:28:13
by cchapin
Did you select the paragraphs that you wanted to sort before invoking the macro?


Posted: 2006-04-12 16:43:54
by disfasia
Yes, I have selected them!!! This funciton does not work and it is not the first version of this software that, quite frnakly, sucks. I have hundreds of pages of bibliographies!!!!

Posted: 2006-04-13 07:11:35
by cchapin
I'm not sure what's going wrong on your system. This works fine on mine (but see this discussion). Does it simply not do anything or does it produce an incorrect result?


Posted: 2006-04-13 07:28:53
by midwinter
It also doesn't ignore articles in sorting.

Posted: 2006-04-13 12:48:44
by disfasia
I had read a long time ago that there was a problem with French Nisus versions (which I have) with this sorting issue. But it is a royal pain to work around this constantly.

Does anyone know about this French Nisus bug?



Posted: 2006-04-14 01:38:52
by dshan
disfasia wrote:I had read a long time ago that there was a problem with French Nisus versions (which I have) with this sorting issue. But it is a royal pain to work around this constantly.

Does anyone know about this French Nisus bug?


No. Where did you read about this issue and what was the nature of the problem? It would help enormously if you would give a more complete description of the problem you are having than to simply state "This funciton does not work..." That tells us nothing about what your problem might be and makes it impossible to assist you.

Does sorting paragraphs crash the application?
Do you get an error message when sorting paragraphs? (If so, what message(s) do you get?)
Does it produce incorrect results? (If so please supply examples of the incorrect output and the input that produced it)

P.S. The source code for NWX macros is available in ~/Library/Application Support/Nisus Writer/Macros so you can always check them yourself if you are having problems.

Sort Paragraphs

Posted: 2006-04-14 01:42:06
by dshan
midwinter wrote:It also doesn't ignore articles in sorting.
I just know you can give a more comprehensible description of your problem than that... :D

Posted: 2006-04-14 03:36:51
by disfasia
When I sort it does not crash the app. but it gives an error message: that the macro "contains an unknown menu command: copy"

what is this?

Re: Sort Paragraphs

Posted: 2006-04-14 05:13:15
by midwinter
dshan wrote:
midwinter wrote:It also doesn't ignore articles in sorting.
I just know you can give a more comprehensible description of your problem than that... :D
Um. I'd like there to be a sort commant that ignores "the," "a" and "an."

Posted: 2006-04-14 07:45:45
by cchapin
disfasia wrote:When I sort it does not crash the app. but it gives an error message: that the macro "contains an unknown menu command: copy"

what is this?
Perhaps the macro itself needs to be localized. Try this.

1. Command-click the macro in the Macro menu. That should open it up for editing.

2. Check each macro command at the top of the macro (preceded by a # symbol) and make sure that it matches the corresponding command in the menus. For example, perhaps "Copy" should be "Copie."

3. Use File > Save (command-S) to save the macro.

Try it out. I hope this helps.



Posted: 2006-04-14 09:10:30
by disfasia
It worked--and logically the problem. I am so crazed with other work that I just shut down to this problem. I had to make cut=copier and paste=coller.

thanks a million!!!


Posted: 2006-04-14 22:29:04
by martin
OK, in the next beta we will have a native sort paragraphs command that does not rely on macros. These new sorting commands won't have troubles with the different localizations, and will properly preserve the attributes assigned to your text.

additional problem

Posted: 2006-04-19 08:16:53
by disfasia
well, it can sort BUT it undoes italics. Please Nisus, I am begging you to fix this. I have had to pay an assistant to do this for me! I really buy software so as not to have to pay someone else to alphabetize since my text is rendered all italics or not at all.



Posted: 2006-04-19 09:56:42
by cchapin
The macro will strip out formatting, but the brand new built-in paragraph sort feature should not. This feature is available beginning in version 2.7 beta 6. Have you tried that yet? I just tried sorting, and it worked fine, preserving italics and everything.

Instead of using the Macro menu, use Edit > Sort Paragraphs > Ascending (A-Z) or Edit > Sort Paragraphs > Descending (Z-A). Of course, if/when this is localized for French, you'll look for the French equivalent instead.
