Need to change compromised password

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Need to change compromised password

Post by editor10 »

My iPhone tells me my password here has appeared on the internet. 7 is therrefore compromised but my computer logs me in automatically so I don't see a link to "Forgot my password".

What to do about this?
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Re: Need to change compromised password

Post by adryan »

G'day, editor10 et al

I feel a bit bad that no one here has been able to help when you've reached out with what must be a very distressing problem. Sometimes people don't respond to postings because they feel they don't have anything worthwhile to say on the topic. That's been my excuse in the present case. Since no one else has responded, though, perhaps I might make a few general observations anyway.

It's very important to provide explicit details of a problem (of any sort). Error messages and notifications usually occur in a context. It's important to know whether a notification comes via a text message or an email message, or whether it is generated by a particular application or some part of the operating system; also, the circumstances in which it appeared. A simple "My iPhone tells me blah-blah-blah" is unhelpful.

Never click on any links that could be suspicious. Best to regard all links as suspicious. Go independently to the relevant organization (via their legitimate Website or through the operating system, for example). This is especially important if resetting passwords is involved.

I'm not sure what the computer shows at login if one has forgotten one's computer password. This sort of information, as well as how to go about resetting a password, is best obtained from Apple's Support pages on the Web.

With the scant information supplied, my suspicion is that the notification you received is part of a phishing scam rather than an indication that your iPhone has been compromised. Nevertheless, it might still be prudent to change your password, but only directly via the operating system.

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Re: Need to change compromised password

Post by xiamenese »

While adryan is right, I think he's over-thinking your situation. My guess is that you use NordPass or NordVPN or similar, as I get these warnings from them about such password compromises.

As for changing your password here, click your avatar in the top right corner and from the dropdown choose "User Control Panel", then the "Profile" tab and "Edit account settings". Enter your new password in the top two fields and your current password in the bottom field, and click submit. When that is confirmed, you're good to go. You can log out from that same dropdown then login using your new password.


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