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Memory usage in 3.2

Posted: 2020-12-21 15:42:32
by thomasjpr
Since upgrading to 3.2 (I didn't notice this issue prior to the update, but it could have possibly existed then) I'm noticing high RAM usage with the app. It's a pretty vanilla install, I don't really stray from any default settings. Opening the app to a blank document consumes 1.47GB of RAM; opening a second new blank document nearly doubles memory usage to 2.67GB. Additional new documents continue the trend line. Have also noticed the program isn't as responsive as it used to be; creating a new document takes a bit more time to paint on screen.

This is repeatable on both of my Macs -- a 16" MBP and a 2018 Mac mini, both running Big Sur.

Re: Memory usage in 3.2

Posted: 2020-12-21 16:03:33
by martin
I'm sorry you've seen slowdowns and high RAM usage for Nisus Writer on Big Sur. We have identified the cause of these problems and plan to fix them in the next software update, which we're currently working on getting ready for release. I'm sorry for the nuisance in the meantime.

Re: Memory usage in 3.2

Posted: 2020-12-21 17:34:38
by thomasjpr
No worries! I hadn't seen another mention of it in the form, so I figured I should raise it just in case it wasn't a widespread issue. Thanks for the response.

Re: Memory usage in 3.2

Posted: 2020-12-22 11:12:01
by martin
We just released version 3.2.1 that should fix this Big Sur issue, among others.