'Sum column'

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'Sum column'

Post by paieye »

I cannot find this indispensable macro. If it is not part of the package, is there some way of creating it in NWE ?
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Re: 'Sum column'

Post by martin »

I'm sorry but the Sum Column macro is only available in Nisus Writer Pro. There are a small number of macros available in Nisus Writer Express, but they are quite limited (eg: Quote Selection). All our advanced macro capabilities are only in Nisus Writer Pro.

A person might be able to write a summation macro in Nisus Writer Express by dropping down to the Perl scripting language. You could do the necessary data validation and arithmetic using Perl code, which Express supports. However, it would be difficult or impossible to manipulate the Nisus document in the way you want, to extract all the numbers from each table cell and select the final cell in the column to replace its contents. I'm sorry about that.
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Re: 'Sum column'

Post by paieye »

Very disappointing, but thank you for your help.
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Re: 'Sum column'

Post by paieye »

Is it possible to Sum Column in NWPro so that the total appears at the top of the column, instead of at the foot ? Alternatively, how could I write a macro for this ?
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Re: 'Sum column'

Post by phspaelti »

paieye wrote: 2020-08-22 00:27:54 Is it possible to Sum Column in NWPro so that the total appears at the top of the column, instead of at the foot ? Alternatively, how could I write a macro for this ?
It would be possible in NWPro. This here is the discussion for NWE though :?

If you are using NWPro now, then you could modify the code provided by Nisus software, though that may not be for the feint of heart. Just the other day I wanted to modify those macros to better suit my purpose, and I quickly discovered that that code is so involved that I would have to put that off to some day when I had more time. :o
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