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Posted: 2005-12-04 13:48:42
by midwinter
Are you sure you're using a Mac? ;)

Posted: 2005-12-04 14:06:51
by SteveH
have you repaired your disk permissions
I have now but it makes no difference. I've just checked again to make sure that I can edit Linkback graphics within OmniOutliner and this is not a problem. Hopefully this means I am using a Mac :?

Posted: 2005-12-04 14:08:28
by midwinter
You could set up a clean "test" user and install on it to rule out a problem with your account.

Posted: 2005-12-04 23:06:42
by SteveH
Just as an aside, both of the Omni apps that I use have a Linkback entry within the Edit menu. Does NWE normally have one?

Posted: 2005-12-05 01:02:27
by MacSailor
SteveH wrote:Just as an aside, both of the Omni apps that I use have a Linkback entry within the Edit menu. Does NWE normally have one?
Nope, not as far as I can tell.

Posted: 2005-12-05 02:01:51
by stfurrer
yes, me too, repaired my disk permissions with Disk Utility, but nothing helped.

Posted: 2005-12-05 13:57:00
by SteveH
I'm at a complete loss now. It will be interesting to see if Nisus support is able to add any more to this one. I agree the test account would be an interesting avenue to pursue but it seems like a lot of work. I've killed all the weird apps to see if one of them is clashing, the app would remain the same and only the prefs would be clean(?)

Posted: 2005-12-05 23:29:00
by dshan
SteveH, when you double click on the OG graphic in NWX is OG still active? I seem to recall someone else having a similar problem with LinkBack a while ago (can't find the thread now alas). As I recall they found that if they kept the app being linked to from NWX (e.g. OG) in memory it worked, but linking to another app from NWX using LB wouldn't launch the other app for some reason.

I don't know if this was ever really explained but it sounds like it might be a permissions/ownership problem for the two executables. Maybe one is installed/owned by an Admin user (in /Applications) and the other by a non-Admin user in /Users/<non-admin-user>/Applications or something? I don't know about OG but NWX can be installed either way - executable by any user on the machine or just a particular user (in which case I think it's installed in ~/Applications rather than /Applications and it's permissions are set to make it executable only by that user.)

Posted: 2005-12-06 14:42:41
by SteveH
I checked out these points tonight and NWE and OmniGraffle have the same permissions and owner information. Boths are stored in /Applications rather than within my user area.

I have tried using Linkback with OG already open and closed.

Posted: 2005-12-06 15:34:52
by dshan
Have you checked the console.log and system.log with Console utility when the linkback failures occur? The spinning pizza you reported indicates it's up to something, presumably trying to open/link to OG, so it should log an error (or stack trace, or something) when it fails.

Posted: 2005-12-07 12:22:51
by SteveH
I tried this and got some results but they need expert interpretation to see if they are relevant.

The following is taken from the console.log when starting up a Nisus document with a OG graphic. I also get the same thing when opening a regular RTF file with no graphics.

Code: Select all

===== Wednesday, 7 December 2005 20:11:18 Europe/London =====
2005-12-07 20:11:39.289 Nisus Writer Express[750] .scriptSuite warning for attribute 'selectedText' of class 'NWDocument' in suite 'NisusWriter': 'NSTextStorage' is not a valid type name.
There was nothing recorded in system.log and neither log generated anything when the app beachballed after double-clicking a graphic.

Linkback Failure

Posted: 2005-12-07 17:57:22
by dshan
Yeah, I get the same console message when I launch NWX, no opening of any document required. I don't think it's anything significant and apparently unrelated to your LB problem. The fact that you get no messages when double-clicking on the OG graphic in NWX is the key, if disappointing, result. I'm sorry but I can't think of anything else you can try, I think Nisus support will have to crack this one.

Posted: 2005-12-08 01:01:32
by SteveH
Thanks for your help and suggestions.

Posted: 2005-12-15 05:43:24
by SteveH
I've just tried 2.6b2 and have the same problem with Linkback.

Linkback with 2.6

Posted: 2006-01-28 06:42:45
by SteveH
I've just downloaded NWE 2.6 this morning and tried my usual Linkback test with an embedded OmniGraffle diagram. Again, I am unable to edit the embedded image - not a great surprise to me as I tried FC2 last week and found the same. I am now running latest version of OS 10.4, Omnigraffle and NWE.

What does surprise me is that despite five emails to Nisus on this subject since I registered in mid-November, I have not a had any official response to my support request. Nothing.

I am pretty disappointed, as Linkback was one of the main reasons for choosing to use NWE as I frequently need to create technical specs and it is useful to be able to work from within one document.