Since upgrading to Sonoma I find that Nisus quits unexpectedly every time I try to re-flow footnotes (by deletion of one, etc), or even when I try to adjust "space after" paragraph values. So I downloaded the 3.4.1 beta 1, and this has fewer problems, but still has some, like unexpectedly skipping back to the beginning of the document when switching back to the application, and re-drawing issues when you switch guides or invisibles on and off.
Is a "real" Sonoma-compatible 3.4.1 to be expected soon?
Sonoma Issues
Re: Sonoma Issues
Running Sonoma 14.6.1 here with NW 3.4 on an M3 MacBook with no issues whatever.
User since 1990
Most current NWp and MacOS
MacBookPro 16-inch 2023
Most current NWp and MacOS
MacBookPro 16-inch 2023
Re: Sonoma Issues
Well that's great for you, but I'm not the only one having issues (See: viewtopic.php?p=40198), and they've become so bad as to make the application unusable!