Can't Get Started

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Can't Get Started

Post by nimrod »

I am having real difficulties getting going with InfoClick.

1) The initial scan suggests that I have >900k e-mails. This is an order-of-magnitude too high.
2) The initial scan stalls after less than 1,000 items and never moves any further forward.
3) If I quit and look at what has been found, it shows lots of spam and trash from years ago. A lot of it from e-mail accounts that no longer exist!
4) If I pick an item and do "Show in Finder", it goes to a file named something like 123456.eml.
5) None of these old files "exist" in Those old accounts are long gone.

So, what is InfoClick picking up that doesn't see? How do I get rid of all of this old spam/trash?


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Re: Can't Get Started

Post by martin »

Hello Nimrod! Thanks for trying InfoClick. Let's see what we can do to answer your questions and help you more forward.

It's true that InfoClick can detect and search emails that are no longer shown in Apple Mail. This is a nice feature for a variety of reasons. First, sometimes Apple Mail goes a bit wonky and won't show emails that should still exist somewhere. I've had this occur and it's very frustrating, when you know an email exists but Apple Mail lost it somehow. InfoClick has come to my rescue a few times over the years to help find these emails.

InfoClick actually detects and searches any and all emails that are stored/cached on disk. In this way you can actually search email archives that are no longer in Apple Mail at all. You can choose and configure which folders InfoClick searches in your InfoClick preferences.

As for your large number of emails, the initial count may indeed be inaccurate. That represents the raw number of email files that InfoClick discovered. However, some of these email files may be duplicates of one another. InfoClick will deduplicate emails during scanning, so you may have a lot less in the end.

It's possible that your huge number of emails is the cause of your problems with InfoClick. We are currently working to resolve potential problems with very large email databases (approaching 1 million emails). Either that or there's a particular email on your Mac that is preventing InfoClick from making progress. Sometimes very badly formed junk emails from spammers trigger unexpected failures.

I'll email you privately to work through your issue and ensure that we get it fixed.
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