Thesaurus pane doesn't show

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Thesaurus pane doesn't show

Post by gvnd »

I downloaded and installed Nisus Thesaurus 1.2.1 a few days ago.
The app displays the dictionary ok, but for some reason the thesaurus section is missing. I've opened the app directly from the Applications folder and accessed it from Services in a couple of apps like Mail and TextEdit, but I get the same result. Dragging on the small dot between the Search and Definition boxes didn't help either.
Not sure if it's a bug, something I've missed or some other issue, but I'd like to get it working properly. Any suggestions?
Mac Mini 2014, Mojave OS 10.14.6
Screenshot Nisus Thesaurus.png
Screenshot Nisus Thesaurus.png (55.71 KiB) Viewed 36411 times
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Re: Thesaurus pane doesn't show

Post by Hamid »

You have to drag down the dot between the search box and the definition box:
drag.jpg (77.32 KiB) Viewed 36404 times
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Re: Thesaurus pane doesn't show

Post by gvnd »

Thanks for your reply. I tried that but nothing happens. When placed over the dot, the cursor changes to a horizontal line with a down-arrow (as it should). When I click and drag it downwards the cursor then changes to a horizontal line with an up-arrow, but there is no movement or change to the window, only the cursor moves down. I tried cmd-click, opt-click and ctrl-click drag as well.
I uninstalled it, redownloaded a new file and installed but that didn't help either.
Last edited by gvnd on 2020-12-29 01:44:44, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Thesaurus pane doesn't show

Post by martin »

That's very strange. You should be able to click and drag the resizer knob that Hamid pointed out. It's a standard macOS system control.

You could try resetting Nisus Thesaurus on your Mac, to ensure there's no damaged settings that might be interfering. Here's how to completely reset Thesaurus:

1. Quit Thesaurus if it is running.

2. Run the following Terminal command:

Code: Select all

defaults delete com.nisus.NisusThesaurus
3. Delete Nisus Thesaurus's sandbox folder. You can do that in the Finder by trashing the folder with this path:

Code: Select all

To be completely thorough you should now reboot your Mac to ensure system caches are cleared, before you relaunch Thesaurus.
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Re: Thesaurus pane doesn't show

Post by gvnd »

Did that and everything is set back to default but no change unfortunately. Have added a screen recording ...
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Re: Thesaurus pane doesn't show

Post by Hamid »

It is true, the knob is quite slippery; anyway try this:
Quit Nisus Thesaurus if it is running. Then, from your Home Library/Containers/com.nisus.NisusThesaurus/Data/Library/Saved Application State/com.nisus.NisusThesaurus.savedState (Folder), delete the files:

Launch Nisus Thesaurus.

This should restore the setting.
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Re: Thesaurus pane doesn't show

Post by gvnd »

I got as far as...

Code: Select all

~Library/Containers/com.nisus.NisusThesaurus/Data/Library/Saved Application State/
After that there was no com.nisus.NisusThesaurus.savedState folder, or any of the 4 files you listed. It was an empty folder. Anyway, I don't think it's a corrupted file(s) because I've uninstalled Thesaurus a couple of times (using AppCleaner), restarted and reinstalled. A corrupted file should not persist after each reinstall.
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Re: Thesaurus pane doesn't show

Post by martin »

Thanks for the updates, and I'm sorry nothing worked for you. After testing this myself it appears to be a problem that's specific to macOS 10.14 Mojave, and perhaps other older system versions. The problem does not occur on 10.15 Catalina or later.

I think the best practical advice is to simply revert to an older version of Nisus Thesaurus. If you're running on 10.14 Mojave then you have no need for the Apple Silicon support that was added in Nisus Thesaurus version 1.2.1. Nisus Thesaurus version 1.2 will suffice as there are no other new features.
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Re: Thesaurus pane doesn't show

Post by gvnd »

Thanks for looking into it and for the link. Ver 1.2 works fine on my older system so I'll stick with that. :)
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