If you previously purchased Nisus Writer Pro from the Mac App Store and you'd like to upgrade to version 3 you have two options:
1. To stay with the Mac App Store, buy Nisus Writer Pro 3 from the Mac App Store at full price, as if it were a completely new app. The Mac App Store does not allow us to offer upgrades or discounted pricing to existing customers.
2. Switch away from the Mac App Store and purchase Nisus Writer Pro 3 directly from us to receive a discounted upgrade price.
How to switch away from the Mac App Store:
If you want to switch away from the Mac App Store version of Nisus Writer Pro, so you can use a version of Nisus Writer sold directly by Nisus Software, please follow these instructions:
A. Make sure your existing version of Nisus Writer Pro from the Mac App Store is up-to-date. You should have version 2.1.9 or later.
B. Make sure you have opened (launched) that version at least once. This ensures your settings will be transferred smoothly.
C. Quit Nisus Writer so it is no longer running.
D. If you don't yet have version 3 then download Nisus Writer Pro 3, but DO NOT replace your existing copy of Nisus Writer from the Mac App Store. Leave the Mac App Store version in place in the Applications folder.
E. Launch Nisus Writer Pro 3 and use the menu Nisus Writer Pro > Buy Nisus Writer Pro.
That should automatically detect your existing Mac App Store receipt. You will be taken to our online store web page, which will offer you a discounted upgrade price.
Once you've purchased a new license key and entered it into Nisus Writer Pro 3, you can safely trash your copy of Nisus Writer from the Mac App Store and move version 3 into place in the Applications folder.
How do I upgrade to version 3 on the Mac App Store?
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