A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

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A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by tomoyuki-kosaka »

I'm using NWP (2.1.6) and Bookends (12.7.7)
When copy in Formatted view window and paste that to NWP, some font will be miss read, especially on umlaut word.
Copy in Bookends
Höfer, K, Jäschke, A. 2016. Molecular biology: A surprise beginning for RNA. Nature
Pasted in NWP
Her, K, J舖chke, A. 2016. Molecular biology: A surprise beginning for RNA. Nature

Probably, this NWP have some trouble, because some one already claimed about font issue.
I'm using "Times new roman".
This problem can be solved when once pasted in word2011, and re-copy and paste in NWP
Does anyone know the good solution of this?
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Re: A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by martin »

It sounds like either:

1. Bookends is incorrectly encoding the characters. -or-
2. Nisus Writer is incorrectly decoding the characters.

Even though you're using a standard font, using a different font could prevent the problem.

One question: does the problem happen if you copy from Bookends to Apple's TextEdit?
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Re: A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by Þorvarður »

Hello tomoyuki-kosaka,

To make sure I understand you right, you are selecting a reference in the *bottom* Display Pane in Bookends' Library Window, which on p. 103 in Bookends' User Manual is called "Formatted view". Then you copy the reference (with Command-c) and paste it (with Command-v) into a Nisus document. The result shows garbled umlauts in the NWP document. Is that correct?

I can't reproduce this behavior.

Here are a few questions and suggestions.

1. How long has this been going on? I suppose you have already done the usual troubleshooting stuff, like restarting or shutting down the machine for a few minutes, etc.
2. While trying to merge two databases via Dropbox, as you indicated on the Bookends Forum, parts of the data may have got corrupted. Therefore I would try to
3. rebuild the database (File menu > Library Maintenance > Rebuild)
4. If the problem persists, try to delete the umlauts from the name, click outside the reference to make sure Bookends saves the new change, and then enter the umlaut again. Does this fix the problem?
5. Does this also happen when you drag a reference with the mouse into an open Nisus document?
6. Check the font in Font Book and see if any problems with Times New Roman are reported. I just did this now myself and Font Book found a disabled duplicate. This hasn't caused any problems by me though that I am aware of.
7. What's the name of the *format* you use? Did it come with Bookends? Or did you create it yourself as a custom format?
8. What happens when you change the default font (in Bookends' Preferences > General > Default fonts) to something else than Times New Roman?
1.png (16.7 KiB) Viewed 17827 times
9. If you click on "Scan & Bib" in the Preferences, you'll see options for "Output text as…". What option is selected? I have "Styled Text".
10. In your example "äs" is turned into something which looks like a Chinese character. If you are running your Mac in another system language than English, I would change the preferred language in System Preferences > Language & Region to English, then restart and see if that makes any difference. Probably not, but who knows; in the past I have seen enough language related system bugs that disappeared when I switched to English as the preferred language.
11. Regardless of what the problem may be, I wonder why you are manually copying and pasting from the "Formatted view" pane? Bookends and Nisus can grab a formatted reference for you automatically in just one step. You just select a reference in *The Library Window* (p. 56 in the manual) and then hit Command-k (Edit menu > Copy Formatted.) This will copy the formatted reference, switch to NWP and paste, all in one go. :-)

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Re: A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by tomoyuki-kosaka »

First I'll answer Martin's question

> One question: does the problem happen if you copy from Bookends to Apple's TextEdit?
No. That did not happen.
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Re: A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by tomoyuki-kosaka »

These are answers to Þorvarður

>To make sure I understand you right, you are selecting a reference in the *bottom* Display Pane in Bookends' Library Window, which on p. 103 in Bookends' User Manual is called "Formatted view". Then you copy the reference (with Command-c) and paste it (with Command-v) into a Nisus document. The result shows garbled umlauts in the NWP document. Is that correct?
0. > Yes, its correct.

1. > Probably, last update of NWP. I avoided several way of this. Recently, I decide to post.

2-3.> I think, it's not come from Bookends database because it is also reproducible in different database and three of my different mac computers.

4. > No. That did not fix the problem.

5. > Yes. It happens.

6. > Sorry, I have not checked yet.

7. > Now I'm using "Applied Environmental Microbiology". It come with Bookends.

8. > I noticed that if I change that to "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro N" (its for standard Japanese font), this problem was solved.

9. > I'm also too.

10. > I noticed that if I copy from Safari, this problem also happen as "äs" --> "舖". I'm sorry, I have not tried this yet.
OK: Safari --> Word2011 --> NWP
NG: Safari --> TextEdit --> NWP

11. > Thank you for tell me this trick. I fogot it.

I believe that this problem is specific in macos using Japanese language.
I hope these information help to solve this problem.
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Re: A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by Þorvarður »

Since this also happens with Safari > NWP, then Nisus becomes suspect no. 1, but I would do a few more tests before taking measures with far-reaching effect.

1. What Text Encoding are you using in Safari (View menu > Text Encoding > ?) One would usually choose Unicode (UTF-8) for a Roman text, or Western (ISO Latin 1) for older webpages.
2. What happens if you change the Default fonts in Bookends to Helvetica? Does that fix the problem?
3. Create a new empty database in Bookends (File > New Library > Make Empty). Enter a name and title with some umlauts. Does the problem still persist? If yes, then your original database is most likely not corrupted, and in that case I would
4. download and reinstall Nisus.
5. If that doesn't solve the problem, then make sure you have a fresh clone of your hard drive; then create a new pristine account in System Preferences > Users & Groups with administrator rights. Log into that account. You'll have to install Nisus and Bookends for this account again, I think. If you have never done this before, this may seem a daunting task, but believe me, it's fairly easy, takes little time and is effective when troubleshooting.
6. If the new account solved the problem, then your old account has become corrupted. This happened to me last year. You can now migrate to the new account (which can be a bit tricky, if you are doing this for the first time) or
7. make a *fresh* new installation of the system (= don't use Migration Assistant!)

Keep us informed.
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Re: A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by Elbrecht »

HI –

what type of "Times New Roman" are you running – an older TrueType version, maybe? Apple's OS X Text Engine used to run all kinds of fonts whatsoever – yes ALL that did not run in Classic before, too. But this golden time is gone under Tim – rebuilding these fonts to Open Type versions did the trick for all my problematic old fonts! I don't have/use newer Times New Roman OTF…

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Re: A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by tomoyuki-kosaka »

Hi, Þorvarður. Thank you for keeping your attention.

1. > Unicode (UTF-8). When I use (ISO Latin 1), probably problem was partly solved. ("äs" --> "äs" but "舖" --> "舖".) (– is convert to the incorrect character)
2. > No. Not fixed.
3. > Still.
4. > I did. But, no effect.
5. 6. 7. > Sorry. It's too much for now. If I have a time, I can try.

I'm not sure but text encoding is not correctly recognize in NWP.
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Re: A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by tomoyuki-kosaka »

Hi, Elbrecht.

I'm using OpenType TrueType ver 5.05.
I'm not sure about this one is latest or not, but not so old.
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Re: A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by Elbrecht »

Hi –

my "have not" meant, I had disabled TNR so long time ago, I can't remember anymore – mine turned out version 5.01 from 2006. You can check Font Info in Apple's Font Book – but then I have no Bookends running to test for you, again. But I know this thing happening with some fonts – Copy & Paste from one app to another – that's why it looked like a font problem to me. Some times I too have the same problem with German Umlauten working in US-English systems and apps… I will check when happenin' next time!

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Re: A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by martin »

tomoyuki-kosaka wrote:> One question: does the problem happen if you copy from Bookends to Apple's TextEdit?
No. That did not happen.
Thank you for testing. It seems this is more likely to be a problem with Nisus Writer.

I tried to reproduce the problem using your text, but could not. The formatted text copied properly. If this is still a problem for you, could you please send us an example Bookends database that exhibits the problem? Please compress/archive the sample database and email it to us at:
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Re: A font problem happen from bookends to nisus writer pro

Post by tomoyuki-kosaka »

Probably, this problem came from clipboard mechanism in NWP.
I'm using Japanese language usually and the clipboard default font is fixed as "Hiragino Kaku Gothic".
I'm not sure reason why but it likely cause this.

If I open a file including these texts made by Word, LibreOffilce, problems are not happen.

Then, I hope to change the clipboard font form "Hiragino Kaku Gothic" to "Times new roman".
Do you know how to accomplish this?
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