older Pleading Page templates

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older Pleading Page templates

Post by martin »

Here are some example pleading page templates:
(333.09 KiB) Downloaded 2668 times
These templates all use a floating graphic, attached to the first paragraph in the document, to display the numbers 1-28 in the margin.
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Re: Pleading Page templates

Post by martin »

Apparently in some places it is required that the line numbers match up with the text in the main document body. That can easily be accomplished using Nisus Writer's line numbering feature. We've added a few more templates for that style of numbering:
pleading page templates
(347.77 KiB) Downloaded 3199 times
In the archive, the templates with names including "exact" use line numbers that match exactly with the document body. Also, templates marked "with edge" use page borders to frame the text.
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Re: Pleading Page templates

Post by Cypocryphy »

My first post didn't post, so here's a second attempt:

There are some problems:

The numbers do not line up with the text. Each number should correspond with a line of text
Line number 26 does not offer enough room to type.

Any suggestions?
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