Shipping Update

Unless you have been under a rock for the past week, the ash cloud hanging over Iceland is really making a mess of air travel all over the world. Air Freight as well. I was reminded of this today when a customer from Europe was wondering when their package was going to arrive.

The latest update from the company we use for shipping (USPS) is advising their customers that “As a result of these airport closures, several postal administrations have reported they cannot receive and dispatch mail. Consequently, USPS outbound flows have been impacted beginning April 14, 2010. Although restrictions on flights are beginning to lift, outbound and inbound flows will continue to be affected.”

So if you are in Europe, and are thinking about order a Pro CD, be aware that while you will eventually receive the package, we cannot give a precise date as to when the package will arrive.

We are hoping this won’t last long and shipping will resume to normal levels soon.


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